Aladdin songs Now you have to listen to all the whining

Aladdin songs

Now you have to listen to all the whining. For those who are thinking about transferring over to Blockbuster, they are planning to charge a premium soon too. No thanks. Ill downgrade my plan to two at a time and use the extra 4 to get two blurays a month from my local video store where they dont charge more and are always in stock. If that works out, maybe Ill cancel completely. Heres the thing. I WOULD care if I actually watched Bluray movies. To be honest, I only had Bluray enabled to encourage you guys to get a good selection going. But until Sony provides a preference to never contact the internet when I load a Bluray movie into my PS3 instead of the two current default options of Always Ask to Contact and Contact Without Asking, I have told them I wont purchase or view any more Blurays. And Im standing by that. Theres not a huge enough difference in the quality to put up with the damn format going Can I invade your privacy now? How about now? Now? now? You guys could possibly be getting that extra 1/mo if Sony had this feature. Have your buyers swing some of that Netflix weight at them and mention this? Not to mention, have them lower the price of Blurays! They should be like 2 more than a DVD max in a store if Sony really wants to make inroads in the market. How about making it so when I rent a new blu ray it doesnt sit there for months on very long wait!!!! I seriously thinking of going to blockbuster. Im happy to pay an extra 1/month for this, but I do hope that the Blu-ray selection increases quickly. Right now, less than 10% of my queue is available on Blu-ray and many of those are not immediately available to rent-paying more for months in which I dont even get a Blu-ray disc seems a little sketchy. But if the extra dollar is getting funneled into purchasing more Blu-ray discs, I can live with that, too. A very small percentage of aladdin songs in my queue are Blu-ray. There are not enough Blu-ray movies aladdin songs I want to watch for this to be worth it. If the system instead billed me 50 or even 1 extra at the end of the month for each Blu-ray movie that I watched, that would be much better for me. I will be removing Blu-ray access. put the money towards better stock and shipping from a warehouse near me and Ill be fine with it. You have until Christmas to show improvement. I see folks who dont see it as a big deal and I wonder if they have bluray. I also wonder how many movies on their queue are blueray if they do have it. I, for one, could go an entire month renting movies without ever seeing a title that had a blueray option. I therefore shouldnt be punished because there was a chance I could receive a blueray disk. Maybe if I rented aladdin songs than 3 or so movies in a month on blueray I could see the justification, but for the option to just be sitting there? Thats what I dont accept.

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