Amelia bedelia and the baby Common sense Showtime

Amelia bedelia and the baby

Common sense Showtime. We voted for someone that wants to rescue our troops, make sure we can afford health care and whose trying to give the middle class the tax breaks we deserve! Like the rich have been cushioning their pockets for years. Dont you want some benefits for yourself??? Thats all right if people turn on him. At least he is getting a CHANCE to CHANGE THINGS. If you ever want to move forward in life, you have to accept change. You dont sit back as you say and watch. You join in and help change things. You say that you dont live for hope. That is incredibly sad. I will always have hope in people, the world and myself. I prefer to be positive and productive not negative and destructive. Well we all should hope in God and his kingdom. not mans kingdom/governments. because if we really want to see real results and change. such as end to sickness and death, violence, sorrow and suffering. man can not do a thing. while people are so content with only thinking short term, we all should consider long term and that is the blessings that only God can bring. THIS IS GREAT VERY HAPPY TO SEE THIS MAN IN OFFICE NOT ONLY BECAUSE HE IS BLACK, BUT BECAUSE HE IS THE RIGHT GUY FOR THE !!! Racism in any form is wrong no matter what your race is. Theres no such thing as reverse racism. Im white it hasnt gotten me anywhere, I voted for Obama. I wouldnt care if the man was purple or green, you can see hes a good guy. Black, bi-racial, whatever you want to call him, it doesnt make him any more or less of a person. I love this site because I love all cultures, but all this c-r-a-c-k-e-r massa crap is ridiculous. I had slaves in my ancestry too. I dont care. I am not a slave and never will be. I am not anyones massa, nor do I want to own anyone. Thats in the past thats where I leave it. I know theres a lot of ignorant white people out there, but theres ignorant people in every race. Please, everyone, this is a great time in history. Why do certain people always want to ruin it? Why cant we all just move forward? If you want to stop the hate, dont participate in it. All I can say is Do unto Im happy Obama is president not because of the color of his skin but because of the content of his character. I respect his vision he deserves this and so do the people of amelia bedelia and the baby united states those who doubt his capabilities will hopefully believe sooner than later. Im happy Obama is president not because of the color of his skin but because of the content of amelia bedelia and the baby character. I respect his vision he deserves this and so do the people of the united states those who doubt his capabilities will hopefully believe sooner than later. CORRECTION, I am NOT African American, Negro, Black or colored. Therefore I will not fall in line like a good little sheep. If my comments are so worthless, why do you respond? Silly goose, I am not old enough to run for president. You have to be I am close but not there yet. Besides I am not aligned with the masonic temple. I agreed to let you and other Obama supporters have your celebration. LOVE, TRUTH, PEACE, FREEDOM, and JUSTICE With all the talk of change and hope, people are expecting results. If and when Obama is unable to deliver, people are going to turn on him like rabid dogs. were you on the white blog sites posting this 4 years ago when bush made false promises of a better now he stands with a 28% approval rating?? did Bush deliver? are you blogging on websites about you written him a letter? the main thing that saddens me about your comments today is that you have the nerve to feed negativity on a historic moment and time by making predictions passing judgement about the future in which we are all uncertain of.

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