Beauty and the beast part 1 movie

Beauty and the beast part 1 movie

By the way, some historians believe that some of our past presidents were passing and actually had negro roots. One of them that comes to mind is President Warren G. Harding. You can Google it for pics of him and his family history. If Barack walked down the street he would be considered an average BLACK mulatto, and CERTAINLY NOT WHITE! Im not saying that he should deny his white roots never that but what I AM saying is beauty and the beast part 1 movie by calling him the 1st Black President we are DISTINGUISHING the difference between his background and the background of our former presidents. yes, like someone said above, white people can claim him as white too because he is also white just like Koreans, Blacks, and Japanese people can claim Kimora as their own because she represents a part of their racial or cultural identity. I beauty and the beast part 1 movie what youre saying when you said that black is a color but its also considered to be a race by most people and even though most people generally think that African black thats actually incorrect. African isnt a race just like American is a race. The idea that all Africans are black is based on sterotypical conditioning and also, the fact that a majority of Africans have black roots. Africans of dark skin tonality dislike African Americans, they resent that they are called African Americans. So why would you consider yourself African American? Ive spent a substantial amount of time in Africa with Black Americans and I have NEVER heard or witnessed this type of behavior in any shape or form. I dont know where youve heard that. Maybe they just dont like YOU because your so damn negative! MOTHER BLACK CAUCASION FATHER CAUCASION BABY? So the Mowry twins are GENERALLY considered white because their father is? How did yall come up with this Your race is determined by what your daddy is? First of all, who said slavery ended? The Democratic Party is no better than the Republican party. The Democratic Party was founded when they broke away from the Republicans and called themselves the Demo less than-Republicans because they were not happy with the republicans decision to abolish slavery. Everyone is so quick to jump for joy and you dont have a clue about the history behind any of this. This is a sad day in America. You have a point about the history of the two parties but what you fail to mention is the fact that the two parties have SWITCHED roles. Back in those days the Democrats were more Conservative and the Republicans more liberal. Republicans did influence the abolishion of slavery and Democrats did have ties to the KKK but people need to educate themselves. Dont skip over a whole generation of history. Today is 2008 but last year wasnt 18 Actually you have to be 35 not 33 to run for President of the USA. clara and notowelfare, cutenkinky You do not need to continue with extra deep throating mccain muddy hemorrhoids you brok back biotches. I went to your myspace page and I looked at your pictures with no comments because you are one ugly biotch. you need to change your name to not-cute-just-ugly. I have to agree with TROOPER, OBAMA is the FIRST OFFICIAL President of the United States because the USA wasnt really established as a country yet. Although the fact that HANSON served in a test administration of sorts should also be acknowledged by Blacks and Amerikan children period. HEll, most Black kids dont even know Marcus Garvey. I meant FIRST OFFICIAL BLACK PRESIDENT. It makes sense for you not do any close up picture. Maybe if you change your heart people will forgive your face so you beauty and the beast part 1 movie take closeup pictures. clara do you want me to release your slimy unclean medical records from between your legs. CutenKinky, you must be a Moorish Empress. Dont be so reactionary sis, people are quick to condemn that which they do not know.

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