Becoming jane soundtrack part 2

Becoming jane soundtrack part 2

Yet now it at breakspeed! As to why elite interests are doing they do not care about the nation. Their ideology is about markets, profit shares, and exploitation. To them, America is a largely SPENT market. Its past its everyone, for the most part, already has a fridge, TV set, and car. They are moving onto more open markets, particularly those where there are no environmental regulations, labor safety standards, or principled leaders who cannot be easily bribed for doing their bidding. Todays powers are GLOBAL corporate pharaohs, capitalists without any remnant of a conscience. They could care less about gutting the US while they make preparations for moving however, to the extent they can finance the campaigns of those politicians willing to do their bidding, theyll keep some becoming jane soundtrack part 2 rolling in order to have access to the US military machine. That is, until private armies, with troops trained by the US military, come to replace any national force. Hungry times make such an entity all the more possible. And since legal precedents have been set through the likes of Blackwater, that indicate its soldiers can be held to no national legal standards, a path has been paved for all hell to break loose. Remember Friedmans words: There can be no McDonalds without MacDonnell Douglas. Smedley Butler and John Perkins can fill in the details, if any inquiring minds that dont yet know the score, still wish to know. Thank you SiouxRose. Oh, I wish I had a could skate away Be there. It will be fun. This could be the start of something big. The problem for many years has been the lack of media coverage on anything resembling a gathering of us pesky Liberals. These days if a group of 50 Teabaggers gather, the breathless reporters show up with cameras and microphones ready to report their idiotic and contradictory message as if this were the new America. If a march of thousands against war, injustice or environmental destrution occurs, it is ignored by the press and the parrticipants threatened or beaten and arrested by starwars costumed cops. So if the union workers and sympathizers around the country are able to pull off a sustained and noisy demonstration featuring a multitude of ordinary middle class folks, the media coverage will begin to resemble actual journalism. And the more exposure there is of a citizenry demanding fairness and equal rights, and of the Republicans real character and agenda, the better is the chance for a return to democracy. It doesnt matter if the media covers it. Of course the media will never be sympathetic to us. The media is owned by the enemy. The Uncut protests do not appear to me to have a big D Democratic stamp on them rather the MoveOn protests that were planned after Uncut announced their actions seem to be the Democratic attempt to remain relevant. We need a progressive message in the budget cutting process that is simple and with wide appeal. I propose an across the board cuts proposal. Now we and our grandchildren are on the hook for trillions of dollars in debt, and these financial monsters, rather than coming clean and paying their fair share of taxes, are becoming jane soundtrack part 2 legislators to cut any programs that could empower the people or relieve their pain. and I agree. The deficit and debt are big problems. Lets look the Tea Partiers in the eye and convince them to join forces with us. First, we add to the total budget by re-upping the Jobs Stimulus part of the Obama stimulus package please no more effing tax cuts. This of course will add to the budget deficit. Second, we ask for an across the board cut in all discretionary spending to balance the budget. I am not talking about the insignificant 60 billion the House Republicans have drawn up. I am talking about balancing the damn budget or at least getting very close. We really need to cut at least a trillion dollars even to claim that we are doing anything. Included in discretionary spending would be the pentagon budget, the budget for our intelligence apparatus, the state department budget, the Jobs stimulus, and so forth. Everything on the table. Because the MIC constitutes such a big proportion of the budget, this would actually rescue programs like Planned Parenthood and others from more draconian cuts. It would not include entitlements or the wars, but see below. Third, we ask for new taxes on the very rich. Finally, we suggest a draw down of our wars.

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