Brick house dance central Lets

Brick house dance central

Lets say you pick wizard, your next line might be: Im colder than a Dairy Queen Blizzard, This is Lord of the Rings, youre the hobbit, Im the wizard, If you pick scissor, you might say: Im colder than a Dairy Queen Blizzard, A rebel since I was five, went running with scissors, The real trick of freestyling is to have your mind constantly racing ahead of what youre saying. This isnt easy, but youll get quicker with practice. Writing raps will help you freestyle. When you write, rhymes become embedded in your head, and youre more likely to be able to pull these rhymes off the top of brick house dance central head in a freestyle. For the most part, you should never spit a long pre-written verse at a cipher, but you can certainly use rhyming words and shorter phrases that youve worked out beforehand. When Proof rhymes Ewoks, treetops, and Reeboks in a freestyle, you better believe hes thought of those rhymes ahead of time. Hes still freeing, but hes using rhyme words hed already worked out. Sitting down and writing every day will improve your freestyles. It will expand your memory of rhyming words, and it will give you experience working these words into clever lines. Its also a good idea to write a few multi-purpose bars that you can spit at a freestyle in case you get really stuck. Put those lines in a Break Out Rhymes In Case of Emergency box, and smash the glass when you need help. This isnt cheating; its shrewd. When youre writing these in case of emergency lines, make them strong and interesting, but not too ridiculously amazing. In other words, dont do this: Rocking my pumas and my white tee, free Hit or miss, this penetrates the uranium nucleus, written Smoke crews like a hookah plus Im nuking your crib, written You dont want your emergency rhymes to be that obvious. Try to write rhymes that generally match your level of freestyle but are clever and smart. This is definitely the best way to prove to the crowd that youre really freestyling and not just spitting something you wrote in your room the night before. Its also a huge crowd-pleaser, cause its impressive and it makes everyone real glad that theyre hanging out with you. Rap about things you see. Incorporate objects, actions, people, clothing, situations, and sounds into your rap. When Im in the shower, Ill rap about what kind of soap Im using: Trying hard to get clean, maybe just a smidgen, Make my Dove dirty, oh, now I call it pigeon At a battle competition, brick house dance central is crucial. Youve got to spit things specific about your opponent. These are the hardest-hitting punches. Take Iron Solomons opening lines against The Saurus in a battle on the streets of New York. He looks his opponent up brick house dance central down, sees that hes wearing shorts, and then spits: Maybe you should have come here rocking a better flannel, Or at least some long pants, You should have checked the weather channel. One of the freestyle kings is a rapper from North Carolina named Spectac, who can spit a rhyme off the top of his head that sounds like it was pre-written. Ive heard Spectac freestyle for 40 minutes straight over various beats, and Ive seen him in action at a show, getting some kid to walk around the audience pointing at things and Spec rhymes about it. I asked Spectac what it takes to freestyle. Heres what he told me: Honestly, first of all, you have to have a love for the music and not just the hip-hop genre. You have to love the instrumental.

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