Casino Royale You are

Casino Royale

You are extremely upset with her for insulting Obama because he is black. He is half black and half muslim by the way. You are doing the same thing to her in a much, much more insulting way. Practice what you preach. Lil Wayne sucks. He cant touch Eminem. Thay boy can flow. Wayne is slow. Later i agree man. i respect both but eminem is just the best for me men and weezy zhouldnt be joking like that he should respect wat ems done but i think that be great if they do make a song toghether once i gurantee everyone would talk bout it STUPID DUMB N!GGAZ GOING IN CIRCLES, A J3RK CIRCLE EMINEM IS BETTER. BUT WAYNE IS MY FAVOURITE RAPPER FOR REAL AFTER EM S FIRST ALBUM IT WAS HARD FOR ANY N1GGA TO TRY AND TOP THAT SALES AND WYANE BROKE THAT WEEKLY SALES RECORDS ATLEAST YEAH A DRUGGY OR WHAT NOT AND EM TOO BUT THEY ARE BOTH GENUIS S LOOK AT IT THIS WAY IF EM WERE BLACK HE WOULD OF SOLD HALF HE SAYS SO HIMSELF. AND HE SAYS HIS SKIN IS WORKING TO HIS ADVANTAGE SO WHY THE PHUKK ARGUE BOUT WHOS BETTER OR NOT. HAVE A OPEN EAR LIKE A MUSICIAN AND LISTEN TO BOTH. BOTH BRILLIANT unbelievable. its amazing if you listen and you dont have to listen closely lil wayne is one of the worst rappers period. his flow is a lil too stagnant. he has alot of energy and seems hungry but hes way off. If you name all of the top rappers vs. lil wayne he will lose lyrically every time 100%. seriously. You need not to get a clue because you need to find one. lil wayne vs. eminem what a laugher eminem will destroy the lil man kisser. if you want to comment back on my comments to you and all whom read this hist my page up at /boldniggazonly and oh yeah i gots a lil wayne dis coming this weekend sunday jan. 18th 2009 He is not hot at all he may be popular but remember mc hammer and vanilla ice used to be popular. lol That lil wayne fad will end real soon Casino Royale you dudes realize he is way off base lyrically. LIL WAYNE IS GAAAARRRBAAAAGGEE. little crack head mo fo. his lyrics make no sense most of the time. you must be retarded if you think he is better than em at Casino Royale end of the day this shit can all boil down to one thing lyrics sells and money, and without a doubt em is slaying wayne in 2 out of the 3, if not all Casino Royale categories. why you think that he s workin so hard to put out all his so-so products albums and mixtapes included. he s playing catch up. sad but true. while em didn t do jack shit he still banked 14 mill just off of that s 4 more mill than wayne after all his efforts, sad but true.

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