Chill factore Want to see

Chill factore

Want to see something good go get Zentropa!! Bjork is not for everyone and neither is this film. Europa Zentropa is very good, but Dancer in the Dark is far more advanced. Sheesh, you turn your back only two days and the whole world okay, this thread, anyway goes mad Well, since I obviously was the originator of some of the controversy in here, and since this thread is completely derailed anyway, here goes. Mahavishnu likes it so I wouldnt touch this movie with a ten foot pole anyway. isnt a personal attack then I dont know what is. This was admittedly personal, but not an attack. It is true that I use your taste in movies as an chill factore as to whether Im likely to like a movie or not, but in no way was I attacking your taste. Just as I use prominent movie critics to decide if Im going to like a movie or not eg If XYZ likesd it, Im most probably gonna hate/enjoy it. Oh thats right. Im sure Dom has seen all the movies I like. Actually, I doubt hes seen even 5% of them. Its thus patronising of him to assume he understands my taste. Youre right, I havent seen many movies you like. But what you dont see is that Im coming from the other way round: Since you hate about every movie I happen to like you have given me more than enough examples on this chill factore so far, Im pretty safe to assume that Im gonna hate the ones you like. I admit this is not a failsafe method to determine whether Im gonna like or hate a movie, but for me its good enough. Again, please note that Im not atacking your taste, Im just using it for my advantage sometimes. and before making sweeping generalisations maybe Dom should actually see some of the films I am talking about. Sweeping generalisations? Well, to name but one example, I have seen Kubriks 2001 three times, and I still hate the thought that I cant get these roughly 8 hours of my life back. But thats not the point here and better suited in another thread. Dancer is the best film of the last ten years! So I guess you have seen every film of the chill factore ten years. Or are you, maybe, perhaps, generalizing a wee bit here? Location: Denver, Colorado I have only seen two films in my life that were emotionally powerful enough to make me cry. Carrie and Dancer in the Dark.

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