Control factor part 1 His job

Control factor part 1

His job is to keep the balance in Fairytale Land and make sure that all the fairytales end with their respective happy endings. With the Wizard on vacation, his two assistants Munk Wallace Shawn and Mambo Andy Dick are there to make sure nothing goes wrong for any of the characters. Our main focus is on Cinderella Ella, voiced by Sarah Michelle Gellar, who life is going as planned with her Fairy Godmother, pumpkin coach, and Prince Charming. That is until her evil stepmother Frieda Sigourney Weaver finds out about the Wizards powers and ability to shift the balance to make the fairytales end favor of the villains. She decides to take matters into her own hands, changing the storylines of everyone from Little Red Riding Hood to Repunzel, but she definitely has a personal vendetta to make Ellas life the most miserable. Ella goes out to set things right again with Monk, Mambo and Rick Freddie Prince Jr. control factor part 1 castle dishwasher who happens to have a crush on Ella. With the help of the seven dwarfs and other fairytale characters, they might have a chance at defeating Frieda and her gang of villains before the wizard returns and maybe change some endings to make things more happily ever after than before. Happily NEver After doesnt have a lot going for it. It seems as if it could have been a decently control factor part 1 film. But Happily NEver After never seems to find its groove. With an assortment of fairytales that it pokes at and uses to move along the story, we really never start to care about our characters and if they get their happy ending. There are some slightly funny references to other films, music, and fairytales though. For example: There is a scene where the monsters and villains have just taken over the castle and in the background we hear the Monster Mash being played and get to see some monsters dancing to the Monster Mash. Sound funny? Yah okay, it wasnt that funny, but it did give me a little chuckle. Perhaps the funniest part was with the seven are given a unique spin that is interesting to watch pan out. Another area in which Happily NEver After really struggles is its animation. I know that they were going for a stylized animation and it was not supposed to look the animations were way off. Lip movement was not on track with the dialogue, and even just normal walk cycles look awkward. When you are watching a film that is entirely animation, it is very important to draw you in and believe that you are there. Happily NEver Afters animation does not do this; it actually makes us remember that we are watching an animated flick. You can constantly pick out the poorly animated characters, which will distract you throughout the film. I dont have many complaints here. Happily NEver After might fail as a movie, but is treated well with a very good video transfer. When we watch CG control factor part 1 today we expect to get perfection, being that the film is full of created colors, and everything we see is not real and we can make it feel however we want to.

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