Cracks flux pavillion Much

Cracks flux pavillion

Much Cheapness!!?actionexpand, 10636 While I want Blu-Ray to prevail, I hope they price HD-DVDs this low too, that way the consumer wins. While I want Blu-Ray to prevail, to prevail? Is it THAT easy to buy peoples allegiance. Give them a little bit more storage space and theyll let you kickem in the teeth. Toshiba announces in Japan the RD-A1 HD DVD Recorder, OTA tuner and 1TB HDD /2006/06/22/toshibas-rd-a1-hd-dvd-recorder-with-1tb-disk/ to prevail? Is it THAT easy to buy peoples allegiance. Give them a little bit more storage space and theyll let you kickem in the teeth. I want strong studio support, interesting hardware AND more storage space. And considering how buggy Toshs player is, yes Ill pay more although ¸425 isnt more. Seriously, murch, everyone has heard your spiel 1000 times by now. Im not sure youve convinced anyone. This discussion is now little more than a pissing contest between you and pretty much everyone else. The only thing youve really managed to accomplish is to alienate a lot of people who might have considered HD-DVD othewrwise. Toshiba is an old school conservative Japanese company. Their policy is that they dont release results. I do indeed take glee in Blu-Ray missteps. Im growing weary of the constant proprietary formats cracks flux pavillion Sony pushes. I like minidisc and bought a home player and portable. I liked the idea of like everything Sony has to have their own format complete with gonzo royalties and they always find a way to screw it up. Toshiba is a company that doesnt embody the ego of a Sony but they do a damn good job with their products. Their solution was elegant enough and met the needs of Hollywood. Why not root for them? Why should I encourage yet another foray into Hot Invented Here syndrome from Sony? Ive supported HD DVD from day one can call me a fair weather fan. Someone has to deliver a few reality checks around here. Its a good thing Sony isnt the only one pushing Blu-ray, it will do you good to remember that. So, if in your perception, Sony is always screwing up, then I surely think Panasonic, Pioneer, Sharp, Philips, TDK, Dell, Hitachi, LG, HP, will pick up where you think Sony screws up. And Toshibas format isnt propreitary? Complete with Microsoft iHD and at times with VC-1? Both formats have some form of proprietary functions in them. Moreover, Blu-ray has royalties going to numerous companies, so dont try to paint the picture that somehow Sony is going home with all the royalties. This is the main reason of many that the agrument about Blu-ray being the next Betamax is so flawed. Regarding Toshiba meeting the needs of Hollywood, this still remains to be seen. Especially considering that a lot of the HD DVD movies released currently are already getting dangerously close to the 30 GB maximum storage capacity of HD DVD even when using H. 264/VC-1 and compressed audio with no HD extras. Also, especially considering that they have met the needs of only the minority of Hollywood, as the majority of Hollywood doesnt appear to think so. Regardless of the missteps of both camps HD DVD or Blu-ray, the fact is is that we are still in an early cracks flux pavillion market, and the format war will continue on through to at least 200 I want strong studio support, interesting hardware AND more storage space. And considering how buggy Toshs player is, yes Ill pay more although ¸425 isnt more. You mean how it was buggy. Very little complaints after the 2 firmware update. Even with the bugs the avg HD DVD discs is noticably superior to most of the Blu-Ray discs shipping. That wont change until Sony gets VC-1 on their discs or DL discs. Well have to see about Studio support. Frankly I think we see at least one Major announce movies for HD DVD. The latest delay of the Sony BD player until Oct should seal that deal. Interesting Blu-Ray isnt your champion. No USB ethernet on a player that is 2x as expensive.

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