Dead presidents jay z I

Dead presidents jay z

I wouldnt mind the upcharge if I could get Blu-ray discs as fast as DVD. Everytime I add a Blu-ray to my query it says Very Long Wait or Long Wait. Why would I want to pay more for the same unpredictible service. I dont think we should pay more if the service levels havent changed at all. I used to get a movie, watch it and return it right away so I could get the next one. Now, with Blu-ray, I check to see how long I will dead presidents jay z to wait. If it is a long time, which it always is, Im not in a rush to send it back. Then I feel like netflix isnt worth it to me. Therefore why should I have to pay even more when Netflix is less of a value to me? Pardon the typo, Im now looking at the competition, even though Ive been a subscriber for 3 years. Only reasons there should ever be a reasonable price increase on netflix: postal rate increases or minimum wage increases. How much did you people pay for the Blu-Ray players? Youre going to complain about 1 per month. I could see an issue if they were charging and extra 5 or 10, but a buck? Come go ahead and go to hear dead presidents jay z have a wait on If you have to own the latest and greatest, expect to pay for it. I didnt buy a Blu-Ray player, per se but, own a PS3 which just happens to play Blu-Ray discs. I dont have a problem with it, but if youd like to discuss it, theres also a discussion going on at Get Satisfaction, a site netflix refuses to acknowledge exists: A 20% increase for the 99 plan 99 1 for blu-ray, which I have. Seems like a lot for 2 dead presidents jay z a month. Blockbuster Online is 99 for the same plan and that already includes blu-ray. No brainer for me to switch. These complaints are pretty ridiculous. Its just I WOULD pay an extra dollar or two per month if the Roku streaming movies were higher quality. The Voodoo has increased to nearly blu-ray hopefully you guys wont disappoint me there. These comments will most likely not be read by those who make the decisions but we as patrons should be heard and vent. We pay our hard earned money every month to have the movies of our choice delivered to us in a timely fashion. I was an early subscriber to netflix due to my disgust with Blockbuster.

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