Dead space downfall part 5 of 8

Dead space downfall part 5 of 8

now if you have a hdtv that is below 52 inch then that is why you cant tell the diff. to tell the difference between 720 p 1080i and 1080p you have to have a tv that is 52in or bigger. you can find that on artstechnica. Actually, I can tell a difference between 720 and 1080 on my you are also obviously a blinded sony fanboy because everything that comes out of your mouth is negativity against MS. quit being a hardcore fanboy and just have fun. Im not a Sony fanboy, Im a quality fanboy, and thats why I support Sony over MS. The day MS puts out a quality game system is the day I shut my mouth. Since it only took them over 2 years to find and correct the RROD problem, and the launch of the Wii and PS3 before they offered their customers extended have no respect for them. Just a bunch of cheaters with very good business skills at brainwashing and ripping people off. Posted Jan 29, 2008 10:25 am PT No PS3 for me. I play my disks using a Blueray combo drive on my PC. Looks stunning on my HD projector! Glad I chose Blueray now. Posted Jan 29, 2008 10:15 am PT Nfsmaster writes: If Microsoft included the HD-DVD player in the Xbox 360, all of the people who purchased one without the HD-DVD player would be angry and the only way to counter it would to be to give out free attachments. Then, they would have to compensate for the people who paid for the attachment with proper paperwork. After all that is done, then theyd have to suffer the consequences of angry people about the failing format of HD-DVD. Still, Microsoft is probably going to deal with lawsuits involving the sales of external HD-DVD players now because consumers are going to soon find out that theyre so called superior format is failing and finding movies for the now doomed product is going to be difficult. Even if the format gains momentum, no one is going to see the product as helpful as most movies still will only be on the Blu-ray format. Truthfully, I think the format war is over and people who say its only the beginning or is nowhere near done are very naive and partially ignorant. What I was stating is that if Microsoft placed a HD-DVD drive in the 360 from the start, the results would be different. The general populous has no idea about they dont buy the movies like regular DVDs. The PS3 was a Sony-Gamble and it worked. Microsoft played it safe and did not put a HD-DVD in the system. I dont blame them. They never had to get involved in the format war, with their system. And, if Sony ultimately wins the format the 360 can still use standard DVDs. And, in the they can use 2 DVDs if need Just in case Sony is being a little stingy and not allowing Microsoft to use the Blueray Format. My vision did not involve a seperate 360 without an HD-DVDJust like PS3 has all blueray. However, my review was not bias.

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