Death tunnel part 1 All Rights Reserved

Death tunnel part 1

All Rights Reserved. Like CNET on Facebook for the latest in tech news and reviews. Microsoft surprised more than a few people on Thursday when one of its developers told a technical crowd in Australia that 32-bit versions of Windows Vista wont be able to play back next-generation high-definition protected content, commercial Blu-ray and HD DVD discs. Later Thursday, representatives in the said that senior program manager Steve Riley was mistaken. The information he provided to that audience was incorrect, a representative told CNET Playback is possible with Windows Vista in 32-bit. The decision of whether to offer that support, the representative said, wont be made by Microsoft but rather by the third-party software makers that create DVD playback software, folks like CyberLink and InterVideo. It is up to the ISVs providing playback solutions to determine whether the intended playback environment, including environments with a 32-bit CPU, meets the performance requirements to allow high-definition playback death tunnel part 1 supporting the guidelines set forth by the content owners, Microsoft PR manager Adam Anderson said in a statement. No version of Windows Vista will make a determination as to whether any given piece of content should play back or not. If you have a question or comment for Ina Fried, you can submit it here. However, because our editors and writers receive hundreds of requests, we cannot tell you when you may receive a response. During her years at CNET News, Ina Fried has changed beats several times, changed genders once, and covered both of the Pirates of Silicon Valley. These days, most of her attention is focused on Microsoft. E-mail Ina. The posting of advertisements, profanity, or personal attacks is prohibited. Click here to review our Terms of Use. The posting of advertisements, profanity, or personal attacks is prohibited. Click here to review our Terms of Use. If you believe this comment is offensive or violates the CNETs Site Terms of Use, you can report it below this will not automatically remove the comment. Once reported, our staff will be notified and the comment will be reviewed. Illegal activities: Promote cracked software, or other illegal content Note: Your e-mail address is used only to let the recipient know who sent the e-mail and in case of transmission error. Neither your address nor the recipientss address will be used for any other purpose. crave : Nokia sees Windows Phones in 2011, unveils N9 /ipvDK9 stshank : Googles journey to rebuild Chrome on Native Client security foundation begins w/small first step: PDF reader plugin. /koVTtG stshank : Yay Wikipedia for a nice bit of amusing morning computer arcana. /wiki/Hexspeak 0xDEADBEEF CNETNews : Facebook to surge by Yahoo as No. 1 in display ads /kb59Zi crave : Flying orb can slip through windows, snap pics /inAdTz CNETNews : This Day in Tech: New domains mean trademark issues; Apple shares down /jwRmwn CNETNews : A black MacBook Air or just a wish list? /jITIty lturrentine : My favorite CNET How To today: Hide photos on an Android device. Its possible that some congressmen need this death tunnel part 1 /Ce5taYz lturrentine : I have 999 followers. Will a self-promotional tweet about my latest project push me over into 4-digit territory? Lets find out. declanm : RT sfmnemonic declanm Not to mention replacing Newsweek. road trip In Amsterdam, a small company is showing the world how good 3D printed products can be. Its founder thinks those products will create a new design paradigm. The biannual Top500 Supercomputing list is out, and for the first time in seven years, Japan has built the worlds fastest computer. K Computer displaces Chinas Tianhe-1A just six months after the Chinese machine took the crown. Recent posts on technology, trends, and more. Click this link to view as XML. Starting with the plug-in used to view PDF files on the Web, Google has begun a program to rebuild Chrome using a foundation called Native Client to improve security.

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