Elephant love medley Thats why

Elephant love medley

Thats why I didnt understand whites not claiming him as his own. HiLite, I am sorry but you dont get to pick your race based on who raised you, its obvious you are having a hard time dealing with the facts, and thats fine, I expect people like you to surface, however, the bottom line is it is what it is, and nothing that you are saying makes any sense, but I refuse to let you steal my joy, you and I BOTH know the truth. Deal with it. EVERYONE POSTING ON THIS POST RIGHT NOW AND HILITE. Now, you say Obama is African, right? Okay, I accept, as Im sure Everyone on here does. But you say Now, please if someone could correct me if Im But I didnt know black was a race. And again, if black is race, and Ive been living in lala land my whole life, someone correct me. Ive only known black people to be either African American, or just plain African. It was to my understandding that black WhitesCaucasian, European Americans BlacksAfrican American, African if I am wrong HILITE, you CANNOT really say that OBAMA isnt a black man. You can neither classify, nor declassify him as that because again, no where have I ever heard that BLACK is a an actual RACE of people. It may be ACCEPTED as technically this is not correct. And if AS A SOCIETY, WE ARE GOING TO ACCEPT black as an actualy race, then when people say obama is black, then we would need to be just as naive as classify him as that based on him just having, if even very little, a little black in him. Again, someone PLEASE tell me if I am wrong, I DO NOT WANT TO SOUND IGNORANT. But if I am, so be it. That means that I need to be educated, and I will gladly do my research. ASK ME ABOUT MY MUSIC PAGE!!! I dont even think any of the usual race hatters can come in here and bring this aura down. I have been reading some of the message boards all over and there seems to be alot of people who seem to have nothing but good things to say about our new President! Again as i said before this was not a race won because the black voters only put Obama in office. This race was won because the youth voters like myself decided to speak up and be heard and voters of DIFFERENT RACES WHITE INCLUDED OF COURSE also spoke up about embracing change. This should let everyone know that you can do anything you put your mind to. In my opinion, obama is a black man. ASK ME ABOUT MY MUSIC PAGE!!! i just wanna tell this sorry sour faced ass krakka that sit in front of me, that all of a sudden has become a deaf mute, IN YO FACE BITCH! IN YO FACE!!!!! AND then spike his diet root beer. funky bitch aint got nuthin to say today but had been runnin his chops everyday nonstop about the election. but now he silent as a church mouse Im really not understanding why this thread has deteriorated into a black vs. white thing but whatever. I think its great that Obama won, but people we have to be realistic. This country problems are not going to be fixed overnight. I think people are getting a little too ahead of themselves thinking that the second Obama gets into office things are magically going to change at the drop of a hat. Stop being a Pessimist trying to find his flaws and CELEBRATE CUZ BARACK OBAMA IS THE FIRST BLACK PRESIDENT!!!! Italy was delightful. Did yall miss me? HEAD GO AT MY DESK ROCKIN ON LET ME MAKE SURE NO ONE IS COMING OR COAST IS STEP SIDE TO SIDE ROUND AND ROUND DIP IT DOWN SEPERATE BRING IT BACK NOW LET ME SEE YOU DO THE LOVE YEAH. I FEEL AS THOUGH I HIT THE LOTTO. TO WATCH OBAMA WIN THE PRESIDENCY WAS A MOMENTUS EVENT. HAVING A BLACK PRESIDENT IN OFFICE IS SOMETHING I NEVER THOUGHT I WOULD LIVE TO SEE. I HAVE NEVER BEEN ONE TO FOLLOW POLITICS BUT WHEN OBAMA SPEAKS AND SHARES HIS VISION I AM SIMPLY MESMERIZED AND PROUD BEYOND WHAT ANY WORDS I HAVE COULD POSSIBLY EXPRESS.

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