Family guy presents stewie griffin the untold story

Family guy presents stewie griffin the untold story

Thanks for the edification. Elvis, can you clarify the scene we seem to remember? As for the other bodies, those were found at the dinner Jim found the little boy in. Who knows how they died. Perhaps the boy got infected, the father wanted to kill him but the mother stopped him because he was her little boy, and in the struggle they killed themselves or he killed her, the kid got away, and he killed himself in grief. WHo knows why, or how they died, but the fact died, and dead people dont get infected. They just stay corpses. Again, I dont see anything wrong with the logic or science here. Didnt we talk about this already, EER? You and I seem to have signifigantly different ideas about what constitutes a truly watertight narrative. See, the fact that there are these dead bodies just lying around Im talking about the ones at the diner, not Jims family that so obviously arent infected can come across as a little jarring when the central idea of this story is a virus that has turned people into raging maniacs. People who havent become infected, but are still dead, are a cipher, do you see? A question mark whose existence can only be explained through speculation, such as the kind you offered in your post but we shouldnt have to shrug our shoulders and say, Who knows? Theyre just there. If the writer had constructed his story in such a way as to make clear what could happen to a person in this movie in any given situation be they infected, killed, feeling a little blue, what have you well, then, to put it simply, none of these nagging But I dont get threads would exist! Youre obviously enamored of the film, and thats great I am, too as Ive said!. But that doesnt mean Im going to ignore the moments that detract from its overall flawlessness. Okay, I just watched it again, and in the dinner there are at least four dead bodies. One is a little girl lying face down on the floor holding a dolly; one is an old man that Jim walks over; and two are sitting at a table. The place is a mess, but theres really no hard sign of a struggle. Could be the place got robbed and the mugger shot everyone, but theres really no proof to that either. What can you say, people just die. Also, it is quite possible that the little boy does scream I hate you! just before Jim smashes him, but theres a quick shot of him while the words are being said and his mouth is just wide open in that Im gonna eat you look, so again, I think its just something in Jims mind, but I could be wrong. See, the fact that there are these dead bodies just lying around Im talking about the ones at the diner, not Jims family that so obviously arent infected can come across as a little jarring when the central idea of this story is a virus that has turned people into raging maniacs. People who havent become infected, but are still dead, are a cipher, do you see? A question mark whose existence can only be explained through speculation, such as the kind you offered in your post but we shouldnt have to shrug our shoulders and say, Who knows? Theyre just there. If the writer had constructed his story in such a way as to make clear what could happen to a person in this movie in any given situation be they infected, killed, feeling a little blue, what have you well, then, to put it simply, none of these nagging But I dont get threads would exist! Youre obviously enamored of the film, and thats great I am, too as Ive said!. But that doesnt mean Im going to ignore the moments that detract from its overall flawlessness. And again, I dont see why you need every little thing explained to you. Did you miss the whole point of the Seargents speach that Life goes on? Despite the fact their worlds gone to shit, people still need to eat, sleep, and shit. And, people still die by normal means, whether it be heart attacks, or ruptured appendixes, or an axidentally fall over a railing. I dont see why theres a need for every little fucking thing to be explained. And whos to say any of these people werent infected? Aside from being grimmy from runnign around and their eyes, theres not much to distinguish an infected from a non-infected. How different did Frank look to you? Say they did come across the body of a man that died of a heart we really need to see our heroes finding a bottle of heart medication and announcing to the audience Must have been a heart attack. That treats the audience like a bunch of stupid dumbasses, and I personally, feel offended when movies do that that was my biggest peeve with the American version of The spent so much time working on See, this is where that imagery in the video comes from that it was just stupid. Again, part of what makes a movie good is the ability to empathise with the characters, and characters know very little about whats going on. So why should the audience know more than them? Why should we be force fed every little bit of information? The existance of these Why? threads is what signifies a good movie to me, because it keeps you thinking and involved in the film. In looking into all these questions, its helped me appreciate the movie and what the director did even more, and helped me notice other little tid bits I missed when I re-watch the film. So in my eyes, theyre a good thing. And yes, I am enamoured with the movie, because its a fantastic film. Technically, it was magnificent, family guy presents stewie griffin the untold story as a fan of zombie movies, it was a hell of a lot better than pretty much anything Ive seen over the past several years at least as far as serious zombie movies go. Again, every movie you see you have to just shrug and let things go by, otherwise you wouldnt be able to enjoy any movie. I dont find any of these unexplained mysteries jarring or detrimental to the structure of the film. Sending all the wrong mental images to all the right minds. Didnt we talk about this already, EER? You and I seem to have signifigantly different ideas about what constitutes a truly watertight narrative. See, the fact that there are these dead bodies just lying around Im talking about the ones at the diner, not Jims family that so obviously arent infected can come across as a little jarring when the central idea of family guy presents stewie griffin the untold story story is a virus that has turned people into raging maniacs. People who havent become infected, but are still dead, are a cipher, do you see? A question mark whose existence can only be explained through speculation, such as the kind you offered in your post but we shouldnt have to shrug our shoulders and say, Who knows? Theyre just there.

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