Galaxy quest part 11 After

Galaxy quest part 11

After storming out of his sons first birthday party Shrek runs into Rumplestiltskin Walt Dohrn, who learns of Shreks desires to be the ogre he once was and offers him a magical contract that would allow him to be an true ogre for a day, in exchange for one thing. In that exchange, though, Shrek gets much more than he bargained for. When the first Shrek came out it was a brilliant anti-fairy tale fairy tale. Openly lampooning Disney movies and theme parks, Shrek was a fresh take on the animated fairy tale where the main characters didnt live happily ever after as picture perfect prince and princess, but as ogres, typically the scourge of any fairy tale. Since then two other Shrek movies have come out, and rather than embracing the counter culture of the first film, the franchise bought into its own hype and into pop culture and lost the spirit of the original. While not bad films, they were unnecessary and even sapped some of the brilliance of the original. Now with the finale of Shrek in theaters, how does it stand up? More-so than its predecessors Shrek Forever After tries to come back home to more of the feeling of the first film. Even the plot of the film of Shreks desire to go back to being a lone ogre on the outskirts of society seems to echo what the filmmakers were desiring to accomplish in picking a premise that allowed them to nearly replicate some of the galaxy quest part 11 of the first movie. Thats one of the strengths of the film is that you get to re-meet the characters in a new fashion and in slightly new characterizations than previous which amps up the fun of this film compared to the previous films. Reaching into an alternate universe has allowed the writers, and the actors, to revision the characters adding to the freshness of this installment in the series. Fiona is now a warrior, leading an ogre rebellion against the king. Donkey, while still the over talkative, funny if slightly annoying sidekick hes a little more wary and a bit brighter than he was in Shreks real world. Puss has let himself go, and wont even chase a mouse thats sharing his milk. The real surprise here is Walt Dohrn, a writer/storyboard artist who makes his vocal film debut as the voice of the films baddie, Rumplestiltskin. Everyone does a great job with their vocal work, but Walt and his character steal the show. But for all the good, you cant go home, and Shrek doesnt quite go home either. Compared to the first film this one feels a little tame, sterile. First off, the premise makes this almost seem like a remake of the first film, causing it to loose some of its freshness. On top of that theres a moral that really stands out, which is something I dont recall being aware of while watching the first three Shrek films, even though it was there. All in all, I would highly recommend this film. Easily its the second best of the galaxy quest part 11 Shrek films. Each of the three sequels were unnecessary, but this was definitely a higher note to go out on than the last two films. If they had to go through sequels, Im not sure they could have asked for a better film to go out on. If youve watched the last couple of Shrek films and found yourself to be disappointed give this a try, it doesnt quite capture the magic of the first film but it gets closer than the other sequels. 0 out of 5 stars Is it Finally Done and Ogre with?, May 21, 2010 Shrek Forever After if that is its real title achieves exactly what it wanted to achieve simply by being a fun animated comedy with characters weve come to love. Still, for something so heavily promoted as being the final chapter, Im surprised at how small and ordinary it seemed. Movies like this should end with a bang, emotionally and physically; they should not go from beginning to end on a slow and steady burn. By the end, most will feel as if theyve been entertained. I felt that way. At the same time, some may feel that, in all likelihood, this movie didnt have to be made. I felt that way, too.

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