Green street hooligans 2 trailer official

Green street hooligans 2 trailer official

You completely screwed over your own argument by saying people are downloading at my exact point. You cannot download a film in any reasonable timeframe on a 512kb connection or less. Why this has become a speed debate I have no idea. You asked for figures I gave you them. The cost for the pipes isps use and what happens when you suddenly make everyone download their films online tomorrow. It wouldnt work. It is going to take years before the infrastructure of ISPs, and the backbone of the internet is such as it can support the amount of data which would be passed about if there were no physical media anymore and everyone was downloading their films music etc online. My point with regards to the I do it so everyone else must do it statement was referring to you. It feels as though because you download films and are making an HTPC, that you think everyone else does, or a large proportion do. This is not the case, and is why I am attempting to point out your flawed argument. Speculitive points? please cite me HTPC sales for the last quarter. In fact cite me numbers of people that illegally download films, or legally for that matter. Show me a comparison to decline in sales of physical media. Feels as though you are trying to cause an argument instead of add to the discussion in my opinion. Thanks, so are you using ANYDVD? Do you TSMuxer at all? No, I dont use AnyDVD HD anymore because my 21 day trial expired. I did use it on the 5 discs I own, though, and it handled all of them fine. I did use tsmuxer GUI to build m2ts files that have the video track, audio track and English subtitles. That helps make the files a bit smaller, especially those that have 8 or 9 DTS or AC3 audio languages. A 35 gig file might green street hooligans 2 trailer official 30 gigs in size. Not much savings, but a bit. Mostly what we need is the ability to transcode VC-1 video and DTS audio to H. 264 and AC A lot of discs use these formats. Then all the BR discs would be covered. Im sure itll happen, but it might be months away. Not slot load, but according to engadget they do exist at 5mm. That was almost a year ago, so maybe Apple will introduce the very first 5mm slot loaders? 2007/12/27/panasonic-whittles-thinnest-blu-ray-drive-for-laptops-down-to-9/Nope, not even. FastMac?productsid338 already has that 95!:eek: I am the one contradicting myself? My whole point was that at the moment Blu-Ray will easily survive since internet connections are so slow people will continue to go out and buy the DVD/Blu-Ray physical media. Not only that but not everyone who watches films are connected to the internet. You completely screwed over your own argument by saying people are downloading at my exact point. You cannot download a film in any reasonable timeframe on a 512kb connection or less. Why this has become a speed debate I have no idea. You asked for figures I gave you them. The cost for the pipes isps use and what happens when you suddenly make everyone download their films online tomorrow. It wouldnt work. It is going to take years before the infrastructure of ISPs, and the backbone of the internet is such as it can green street hooligans 2 trailer official the amount of data which would be passed about if there were no physical media anymore and everyone was downloading their films music etc online. My point with regards to the I do it so everyone else must do it statement was referring to you. It feels as though because you download films and are making an HTPC, that you think everyone else does, or a large proportion do. This is not the case, and is why I am attempting to point out your flawed argument. Speculitive points? please cite me HTPC sales for the last quarter. In fact cite me numbers of people that illegally download films, or legally for that matter. Show me a comparison to decline in sales of physical media.

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