How the grinch stole christmas trailer

How the grinch stole christmas trailer

The demands of working part time for a pittance after earning a good living for years I better go to bed I can t see, sleep good everyone! It s 4:28:am here. 2011 Current TV, LLC Dating Dating, courting, or going steady? Things not working out the way you had hoped? Stand up on your soap box and let us know whats going on! Dating after ending 7 year relationship! Could really use some advice. I turned 30 this summer and ended a bad 7 year relationship bad in the sense that we grew apart years ago and my ex well lets say is emotionally unavailable for the most part. Anyway this has been going on since May and the hit the fan in august. Anyway, I am over him thank god! and now I am thrust into the single world. I really never dated before my ex and now I am freakin clueless clueless and 30 is no fun. I met a guy at a talk the other day, i actually recognized him from a class 10 years ago dont ask elephant memory we ended up talking for 5-8 minutes or so, i wasnt trying to pick him up I am way too naive for that. Anyway what he said interested he suggested we exchange info. That caught me off guard, I was just trying to figure out where i knew him from anyway I gave him my number and he gave me his email address. I realized that in this day and how the grinch stole christmas trailer people give out email addresses I guess and then facebook or dont even have a facebook account. I am interested in having another him but why would he call, i should have given him my email. I was thinking about emailing him about some info about a program he is interested in. But, I dont know if he was just getting my and had no intention of really communicating with me. This is how the grinch stole christmas trailer highschool, but again I missed that whole highschool early twenties dating part of my Help? Wow, only 2 months to get over a 7 year relationship? Interesting that hed give you his email when you gave him your phone number, even by todays dating standard. Its usually for phone, email for email, whatever. Also interesting that he did it so 5-8 minutes or so? These could be red flags. You gave him your info, its up to him to make the next If you feel comfortable making the first move, though, emailing him that info with a short message cleverly worded that you are available wouldnt be a bad idea. Id just tread carefully and slowly. actually this breakup has been dragging on since may, not two months. I went thru the whole gammit, he picked up and started sleeping with some chic 4 weeks after everything ended. But you mention some interesting points, he gave me his email address not both, which I dont know how to interpret since he was the one who suggested that we exchange info. Also, I was hanging out with a male friend of mine afterward which could signal to him any number of things, although i saw him talking with a few ladies here and there but he was volunteering at the event i believe. But the fact that he asked me for my contact info after 5-8 minutes is too soon huh? and his email address instead of both or his number says something oh god maybe i should just let this one could possibly run into him at a conference in a few weeks, maybe see what happens then. or would too much time have elapsed? Im in a similiar boat as you. Im 28 and ended an 7 year relationship-actually, more like a divorce. I was with my xh for a total of 7 yrs, married almost It wasnt hard to spot we lacked compatibility in many areas but I had low self0esteem. s a whole long story thats over and done with.

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