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In Cold Blood

Reproduction in whole or in part in any form or medium without express written permission of TopTenREVIEWS, Inc. is prohibited Posted by Daniel on 07 16th, 2010 Why Samuel L. Jackson and Dwayne Johnson are only in the film briefly and the scene that shows this Eva Mendes as Allens lascivious wife, Dr. Sheila Gamble As much as I love Mark Wahlberg, he overacts and tries to hard to be funny here if you want to see Mark Wahlberg being naturally funny see I Heart Huckabees That Samuel L. Jackson and Dwayne Johnson are only in the film for a little When something can be read without effort, great effort has gone into its writing Enrique Jardiel Poncela If you can t explain it simply, you don t understand it well enough Albert Einstein The three quotes above arent just essential to great works or art, but to life as well, if only Christopher Nolan read them before he made Inception. Inception isnt a bad film. Its competently directed, has a good musical score that isnt over-played, is ambitious and has some nice scenes. Inception is also unnecessarily convoluted if you understand everything thats going on within the first 10 minutes, you are one smart person with overwrought dialogue that has the characters explain everything they are doing. Inception doesnt start off well and actually gets better as it goes along. Inception has been hailed as this years Matrix and its similar in that movie in many waysits pseudo philosophical philosophy for the sake of philosophy does not a philosopher make, plays with gravity people walking upside down, cars driving vertically, buildings circling around itself and deals with dreams vs. reality. Christopher Nolan is a director who seems to believe that the more complex something is the smarter and more meaningful it is. As Dom Cobb Leonardo DiCaprio in brooding mode says, The stronger the issues, the more In Cold Blood the catharsis. Dom looks like Christopher Nolan himself and seems to be partly auto-biographical. Dom hires Ariadne, an architect played by Ellen Page to enter into a persons dream and construct a world that seems to be reflect reality somewhat so the person isnt aware they are dreaming. Cob asks Ariadne to draw a maze that takes two minutes to make and one minute to solve. Cob keeps solving Ariadnes mazes in a matter of seconds and asks her to keep drawing more models until it takes him a minute to solve the puzzle. Ariadne finally constructs a maze so complicated the audience doesnt see Cob solve it. This scene seems to echo Christopher Nolans view of filmmakingit must be hard to solve for it to be worth doing. If only Christopher Nolan knew what smart works of art really are. Inception has moments of entertainment. The scene of a building rising from the ground and folding over itself while the camera follows the building and moves in the same direction is a neat trick. The scene that shows the origin of why Cobb decides to enter a persons dream to either remove an idea of plant one is a powerful moment. Unfortunately, the pedantic and clamorous dialogue, the pretentiousness, and the almost non-existing acting expect for Leonardo DiCaprio make Inception intercepting Christopher Nolans themes and ideas instead of making Inception interesting. Palindromes is a Minnepian Satire, much like Jonathan Swift s Gulliver s Travels. The reason for having so many actors of different race, color, and creed play the same character is to show that what Aviva is going through and the way she acts isn t unique, but that we are all like her. Palindromes is about how no matter what you believe in, people act similar to even people who believe in the opposing beliefs. There is a scene in Palindromes, when the anti-abortion mother forces Aviva to kill the baby. So while it might seem that only people who are for abortions take away the lives of young ones, so do people who are anti-abortion. Remember when Bob/Joe/Earl by mistake murdered the doctor s child as well as the doctor. This scene could be construed as Todd Solondz trying to shock people by seeing a young child die, but I see it that even people who bomb abortion clinics and murder abortion doctors, aren t just murdering the doctor, but his children as well, since by murdering the doctor, if the doctor who got murdered wanted anymore children, his progeny is stopped because his life was cut short. So by having the child get murdered as well, Todd Solondz is showing that even the extremists who think by murdering one doctor, they are saving many lives by stopping the abortions being preformed, they are also ruining many lives, not just the doctor, but the children the doctor may have had if he lived, as well as his children s children, and his children s children s children, and so fourth. So even though the people who bomb clinics think that they might only destory one life, by acting in such an extreme manner, they are just like the doctor. And this is true in many issues as well. For example, the destruction of the World Trade Center was bombed because the homicide bombers not suicide bombers, since suicide involves only killing oneself, not killing oneself as well as others, because if the homicide bombers are considered suicide bombers since they killed themselves, than the man as Virginia Tech could be one long suicide since he killed himself at the end. Anyway, just like the homicide bombers murdered in the name of God, so to did the President. Even though President Bush thinks he is the opposite of the terrorists bombers, he also is similar to them, since when he said, God is on our side when referring to the Iraq war, President Bush is causing the deaths of others in the name of God, just like the homicide bombers destroyed the World Trade Center in believing in God In Cold Blood that they will get 70 virgins when they die, or so they claim. So the point of Palindromes is to show that when people act according to what they think is right without trying to understand the other side, they end up becoming the other side, so by acting with your eyes and ears only open to what you believe in and think is right, all morality goes out the window. Lisa Cholodenkos new film, The Kids are All Right is aptly titled. The movie is alright.

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