Inspector gadget 2

Inspector gadget 2 trailer

Thats why I think instead of big companies squabbling over relatively unimpressive formats, inspector gadget 2 trailer should put their collective energy into providing a future-proof unified solution that meets all the needs of consumers. I think the big reason why companies are going for these kinds of formats is because they leave the market open for further upgrades. Imagine if we all got HVD. The video technology market would grind to a halt because you just dont need more than 1TB per disc. Although who knows, in 20 years time, kids might be laughin at the poor kid with the HVD drive because he cant watch his 3D fully interactive smell-o-vision 20TB movie. HVD would be sweet if it could be presented in the tootsie-roll form factor used in Star Trek. That would be pleasantly portable. HVD would be sweet if it could be presented in the tootsie-roll form factor used in Star Trek. That would be pleasantly portable. I read inspector gadget 2 trailer can make a 30GB disc the size of a credit card. Not even that impressive really when they can get 8GB flash onto a fingerprint size card. I actually hope one day that flash will take over. I just dont like the principle behind the CD/DVD or HD. Internally moving parts are prone to failure at any time. Solid State is the future. But why are they still so inspector gadget 2 trailer expensive? If 8GB flash or SD cards were on the market for 50 pence or so, we could fit feature films onto them that even portable devices like the PSP could use. UMD wouldnt have been necessary. They are even fast enough now reaching 20Mbits/s. Anyway, heres some more about HVD: Sectiontechinfo departmentprotech Linewp Openpm24045 One good thing is it doesnt need to spin the discs so the drives can be much quieter and wont generate so much heat. 1st gen transfer rate is about the same as 16x DVD but for 3rd gen it says 960Mbps which is 6 times faster than 16x DVD. Cmon 20 The big downside is the write once. I think Blu-Ray is like DVD-Ram so it can probably be used for recording TV shows with timeslip. Is this really that interesting a topic that we need 26 pages on it? Im just waiting for one to dominate so I can pick products to buy, like DVD/ R and betamax/vhs. Other than that theres no point in even speculating No its not that interesting. But before I put my money on something I like to know what Im getting in the deal. ; No its not that interesting.

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