Into the blue 2 trailer Then

Into the blue 2 trailer

Then when they jack up their prices or do something you hate, which they will, you can complain and come right back. Then when they jack up their prices or do something you hate, which they will, you can complain and come right back. I will come right back when they repeal this at which time you can thank those of us who took a stand on your behalf. Netflix is becoming a victim of its own success. I have been a member off and on since the beginning of Netflix, and it is becoming impossible to get a new release in any acceptable time frame. Less than a year ago if something was in my queue the day it was released, I would often get it that day, perhaps the day after if I was due a movie. Baby Mama has been at the top of my queue ever since it was released as have other new movies, today i got a movie that was listed like 9th in my queue. Netflix needs to buy more copies of new movies or you are going to lose my business. Today I went to Blockbuster and rented Forgetting Sarah Marshall 2 days after release because there is simply no telling when I might get it from Netflix. I supported this company when it was a start-up, now they have broken a Guinness world record but at what cost if I cant see a current movie. Ok, a 00 isnt going to break the budget. However, I feel their shipping technique stinks for Blu-Ray disks, as we have had 4 broken disks in the past few months and find it really annoying to have to return them again and again. I dont blame the post-office, as the cracks are always in the same location inner portion of the disk, protruding out radially. How come the Blu-Ray players can travel 1/2 around the world in well engineered pacakaging, but NetFlix cant provide a sleeve that protects for a 90 mile delivery. Also, we have yet to have any normal NetFlix DVD break in the same manner. Customer satisfaction is not aligning to their up-charge of I just canceled my account. I did it because you have no way to reach customer service by email. I am currently into the blue 2 trailer abroad and am unable to call a US 800 number. I had been a member for at least the last three years. A into the blue 2 trailer that could have been easily resolved and seen my membership continue instead has led to my leaving Netflix, never to return. You should try a little harder. Even on the survey asking about my cancellation was multiple choice with no applicable choice and nowhere to explain. I had been a pretty fervent proponent of Netflix, encouraging friends and family to join. Now I will discourage any and everyone. Your post implies that the increase is automatic If you dont want to pay 1 more a month for access to Blu-ray movies, simply remove the Blu-ray access on your account and your monthly subscription cost will stay the same. I hope is is a users choice to get Blu-ray which is useless to me currently.

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