Junior War in the end is


War in the end is always about betrayal, betrayal of the young by the old, of soldiers by politicians, and of idealists by cynics. The failure to dissect the cause of war leaves us open for the next installment. In war, we always deform ourselves, our essence. After victory, you have more enemies. True patriotism hates injustice in its own land more than anywhere else. Hell hath no fury like a non-combatant. About the quote : Quote from Among the Dead Cities, by Grayling Walker Co. , 200 War should be the politics of last resort. And when we go to war, we should have a purpose that our people understand and support. Chauvinism is a proud and bellicose form of equates the national honor with military victory. Colonel James A. Donovan, Marine Corps The dangerous into chauvinism and exhibits blind enthusiasm for military actions. Colonel James A. Donovan, Marine Corps The dangerous a defender of militarism and its ideals of war and glory. Colonel James A. Donovan, Marine Corps You cannot be on one hand dedicated to peace and on the other dedicated to violence. Those two things are irreconcilable. About the quote : Comment trying to convince mideast policy makers Russia, the EU and the UN to stop aid to the new Hamas Palestinian government; 1/30/0 Setting a good example is a far better way to spread ideals than through force of arms. War is never economically beneficial except for those in position to profit from war expenditures. As a rule of thumb, if the government wants you to know it, it probably isnt true. Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. Do not waste time bothering whether you love your neighbor; act as if you did.

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