Night and the city 1992 Its as

Night and the city 1992

Its as if the memory manufacture for the PS3 came out saying he backed blu-ray and thought it was the greatest thing night and the city 1992 sliced bread. Sorry, but this guy sounds like an idiot. 10 years??? I respect Huangs talent and expertise in graphics but hes sounding a wee bit like a cheerleader here. The PS3 or any game console for that matter, success will be determined by game and gameplay. He really hasnt explained why Blu-Ray is a factor that it impossible to ignore. Thus he did come off sounding a bit ignorant. Isnt IBM doing just that, producing all of the CPUs for the next gen consoles? Producing maybe, but they didnt design them on their own, which I suspect was his point. Hes talking about GPUs, his specialty. While the 360 uses a custom PowerPC, IBM was only part of a consortium of companies that designed the Cell processor for the PS3, ironically including Toshiba, the big backer of HD DVD. Graphics chips arent designed by alliances and his point is that neither Nvidia nor ATI had the resources to design graphics chips for all the consoles. So ATI designed the chips for the 360 and the Wii while Nvidia worked on the PS They cant do that. It would alienate all of their original customers. when game makes target the 360, do they target a DVD player, or the new-disk-format player. Consoles arent moving targets night and the city 1992 consumer PCs. This would never work. Why cant they? Its not an either/or proposition. Hes saying they cant stay strictly with DVDs. But is there any reason why game makers wouldnt be able to target both? Say the main version for HD drives and a downgraded version on the flipside for plain DVD drives. And good luck finding games in 10 years for it. The next-next-gen will be out, and this guy will be spouting the same stuff then. No console can last 10 years, with no development. Lets see, 10 years ago the PlayStation was available. So according to this guy, he wouldnt have bought a PS2, he would still be hanging on to his trusty PlasyStation.

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