Passchendaele movie Inside of

Passchendaele movie

Inside of cheek feels better, almost not worth mentioning. What s left of this flare up at corner of mouth is looking really good, no more bleeding or new spots; scab is firm and tight. Inside of ears are 100% better. The saltiness to the phlegm that is coughed up seems to come and go. 12:51 Upset tummy, taste of bile, gall bladder related. 3:30 Finished mopping the floor and realized the upset tummy is gone and no more passchendaele movie taste. Slight dull ache in back of head, neck is ok. Another thing that I have neglected to mention is, each time I apply the m state water to my face, neck and arms, 4 to 6 times a day, the skin feels firmer, like it is tighter. It s very cool, refreshing and clean feeling, as if I had been for a cool swim on a hot day. 8:00 Ache has moved towards back of head. Knees ache. Feels like impacted wisdom teeth are back and swollen on left upper side. 8:30 The impacted feeling is gone and no swelling, but eyes ache. 9:00 Left cheek feels as if passchendaele movie are tiny cactus spines are in it. 9:35 Ears changed tone and ringing is louder. 11:20 Eyes still ache, knees no longer hurt, head still aching, hot and steamy feeling. Back of throat sore. Other than what is happening now, today was a good day and got a lot accomplished. 7:45 Feel good this morning, no aches or pains. 1:30 Still going strong and feel really great, only one problem, my glass gallon jug just cracked; have to find some thing else for the water. 3:45 Had to run across a little over 3/4 of an acre to front of the house, mail lady pulled in the drive. When I brought the mail in, I realized that I was not winded or out of breath from the running. 5:28 Felt really good up to now, nauseated and back of head hurts. 5:50 Nauseated feeling gone, head still aches but better. Started coughing and fluid came up from left lung or bronchial tube as if I had accidentally swallowed water when swimming. 8:12 Feeling just fine and fit as a fiddle. This evening I knelt down to pet my dog. After I stood up, I realized that my knees didn t pop, snap and crunch like they used to. Then I decided to get right down on my knees on the floor, it doesn t hurt to do that any more. 9:00 Right jaw where it hinges, muscle burns and tingles like an itching sensation; skin is tender to the touch, 12:30 Jaw still tender, burns slightly. 8:45 Jaw seems to be all right this morning. I feel good, but had an unpleasant dream during the night. Woke up with another boil like sore about the size of a garden pea on bottom, the last one never came to a head or broke. I ve not had boils since I was in my early teens.

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