Population 436 alternate ending

Population 436 alternate ending

While people like Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walkner contemplate using agents provocateurs to start riots in Madison, the left wing in AmeriKKKa must use the non-violent tools it has available. BANNED: I dont agree. The web of life is faceted in obvious and not so obvious ways. In my view, Julian Assanges unvarnished Truth exposures, added to the power of the Internet, to the results of derelict-style speculation on Wall St. with food prices, added to the chokehold of elites in the form of amassing fortunes for their small circles of friends, while casting the masses into misery, added to a long predicted phase of massive transformation all factor together to cause the contagion of protest after protest as the new shot heard round the world. So we cannot say that protests, the ACT of showing up, does not factor into an important composite effect. Who is to say which straw will break the corporate camels back? Act when youre called to act! who is to say which straw will break the corporate camels back? act when youre called to The protests in Wisconsin have transformed the national political dialogue, strengthened the Union, built massive solidarity among working class people, and led to a sharper and clearer perception and analysis of the state of the country for millions of people. You say if we want to get their attention actually you said if YOU want to get their attention as though you are not one of us. If we want to get whose attention? We need to stop seeing ourselves as weak and dependent children, begging a parent figure for favors. The protests have gotten the attention of working class people. That is what is important. It is stunning to see the various excuses people are coming up with to oppose the most powerful and effective action against the ruling class in decades. Stunning. You dont see the people having the guts. You say this as you criticize the actions of those who are showing more guts than we have seen from anyone in a long, long time in this country. Ironically, the US government injected money into banks and bought those toxic assets at face value, to buoy up Wall Street, without placing conditions that would help people on Main Street. Ironically-give me a break this was part and parcel of what the government does. The government is a police force for corporate capital and if US Uncut doesnt even recognize that they are in no position to be organizing resistance. Notice the above letter which makes it clear a Democratic presided over laws to prohibit general strikes and a Democratic pres is now assiting the breaking of public workers by putting a freeze on federal employee salaries. No freeze on Wall street bonuses though they are surviving on the federal teat. Uncut has the right idea but seems incredibly naive or another group of true believers in the useless Democrats. Although I agree that the Democratic Party is part of the problem and not part of the solution, is there any evidence in Uncuts website that they support Democrats? I dint see any, so please let me know if there is any. US Uncut is about taking action against unnecessary population 436 alternate ending unfair cuts to public services across the US. WashingtonÁs proposed budget for the coming year sends a clear message: The wrath of budget cuts will fall upon the shoulders of hard-working Americans. Obama population 436 alternate ending to trim 1 trillion from the budget in the next ten years by cutting or eliminating over 200 federal programs, many dedicated to social services and education. For instance, it cuts in half funding to subsidize heating for low-income Americans; limits an expansion of the Pell grant program for students; and decreases Environmental Protection Agency funding by over 12%. Meanwhile, Republicans are using their new House majority to slash spending even more brutally. The GOP has made it clear that they are bent on raiding funds for Social Security, Medicare, education; determined to kill health care reform; and gut needed investments in infrastructure, climate change and job creation, at a time when America needs it most. The government is a police force for corporate capital and if US Uncut doesnt even recognize that they are in no position to be organizing resistance. Ive noticed that the smaller-government advocates are generally in favor of bigger police forces as long as said forces are mostly patrolling poor neighborhoods. They dont really want smaller government, just one that continues to protect and serve their greedy interests. Support your union. Support any union. Listen to old Woody Guthrie records. Do anything to help the poor and disenfranchised. Your contention is that they arent? Would you then be one of those who thinks that poor equals criminal? So whats the end game to population 436 alternate ending this? No I dont mean the standard feudalism, fascism, etc. I mean seriously think about what they want to do. They dont want the wealthy to pay taxes, and they dont want to pay average people a working wage.

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