Predator 2010 side by side

Predator 2010

side by side theres a definite difference but I often forget whether the DVD I got from netflix is standard or blu ray as Im watching on a 46 samsung lcd 650 series and a PS3 for the player. I watched Once Upon a Time in the West last night and it looked fantastic. Yeah, if it were blu-ray it probably would have looked a little better but not so much better that Id really care. My biggest problem with blu ray is that in the not to distant future were going to be hit with new 4K TVs and media and Im patient enough and young enough that Im willing to wait rather than to invest a lot in the current tech. then a few years after that well have another new leap forward. I had my previous television for 13 years before I got my LCD and was happy with it. Can you imagine that anyone will be happy with one of todays TVs, 13 years from now? People made the same statements about VHS, CDs, DVDs, you name it. There are always people like bblackmoor in the bunch. Theyll download the improvements, dispute the features, and nitpick every detail. In the end they are just trying to justify to themselves why they do not yet have the latest technology. the DRM Digital Rights Mafia restrictions on Blu-Ray disks are even more onerous than that on DVDs. This is actually incorrect. While many people think that, if you have a blu-ray drive and know how to use liinux then the DRM restrictions for BDs are far less onerous than DVDs. The real difference is so many people have already made a bunch of hold your hand and press these buttons with your mouse while using this program tutorials that allow people to bypass the DRM on DVDs. Not too many people have done so yet on BDs, but from someone who knows how to do both I can tell you that it is easier on BDs. BTW, knowing how to pick a lock doesnt make you a thief It isnt always what you can SEE for me, its about what i can HEAR. Blu-Rays uncompressed sound makes surround sound that much better. Personally I think it should be HIGHER quality. An iPhone has half the resolution of my 55 tv, and its like 100 times smaller. A lot of times, if you pre-order the movie on blu-ray, youd get it for about the same price or even cheaper. I got Batman Begins and Dark Knight this was around 20 I think. Sign up for newsletter, theyll send you a notification when the pre-ordering option is available. Sometimes, if you sign up with Warner studios website, they send coupons and discount options, which can be applied on top of their pre-ordering price. If you know the movie is worth watching on blu-ray and owning, it is a lot cheaper to preorder. There are a number of Blu-Ray players now available for under 150, sometimes under 1 If you shop around a bit the price differential for Blu-Ray discs vs standard DVDs is in the 3-5 range and the gap is narrowing. The price argument against Blu-Ray is becoming less true all the time. Even the best upscaling of a really good DVD source does not equal Blu-Ray and DVD sound cannot compete with the lossless BD audio formats. 46 Samsung, Dvd does not look near as good as cable HD with my Samsung upscaling player. Havent hooked up a Blu Ray yet but if it is as good as HD the difference would stand out very much. Target has lots of DVD from 6 to 10 in SoCal. Blu-ray needs to start going for volume. Back way-y-y-y back when CDROM disks made their debut, tons of crummy software was shoveled onto the new miracle and shovel-ware was born. Ive been concerned about just what kind of quality to expect when buying older movies that have been burned to the new wonderchild Blu-shovel ware?Obviously some are better than others. Bruce, the best thing you can do is check review sites on the blu-ray transfer quality. These sites are a great resource in showing what is worth buying or not. Its especially handy for older movies being transferred to blu-ray. If they ever transfer the movie Gizmo a very funny documentary and tribute to inventors to DVD or Blu-Ray, Ill want it. I know its not going to transfer well because it contains some extremely old footage alot of black and white and some from the very early 1900s but in some cases whats on the disk is more important than the quality of the picture. DVD to Bluray is a monster jump, if you dont believe it you better go get your eyes checked. If you own a Tv with a screen size of 42 inches or larger bluray is a night and day differance. Bluray also kicks digital video streaming by a land slide, who needs all that skip and jump from poor buffuring and slow internet. Seriously you guys need either better bluray players oy better led lcds or you need a hearing aid and a new pair of glasses?? do u people look at im upset there really is a huge difference with bluray vs dvd.

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