Quo vadis movie I hope

Quo vadis movie

I hope Carnival will give all of you that were the crew some time off and recognition for the great job that you did according to the passengers. This may sound silly but all thru your adventure, I just knew it would be ok. Remember how you had never been on the east coast to cruise and how you have been challenged on the Splendor at times? I just figure that God knew you had to be there for the crewman that took his life and now for a disaster on the ship that ultimately brought everyone home safely. God knew they needed you one these days in these times. And I could sit back and smile knowing that all was going to be just fine, knowing you were there to calm, encourage and persevere thru all of it. love ya John, Prayers are with you As a former Crew Member aboard a Cruise Ship NCL I can tell you first hand we are all trained for this. This is quite a common occurance just as the occurance May 25, 2003 when a ships engine room exploded because an engine room employee left a drum of Diesel Fuel next to an Open engine which wasn t shut off during PM. From one employee to another this is an isolated occurance and yes we always had spam aboard! You make me feel as if I were right there on quo vadis movie ship with you, your detail is amazing. They could make a HOLLYWOOD MOVIE out of your blog! Thank You so much John for your account of the terrible situation on SplendorI can only imagine how scared the passengers and crew were. The way it was handled keep everyone calm and keep it from turning chaotic. Carnival has done a first rate job on this and I am proud to say I am a Carnival cheerleader. John: Kudos to you, the entire crew and the Carnival corporate offices. I am glad you are all safe and hopefully getting some much deserved rest. Looking forward to the rest of the story. This reads like a fantastic piece of fiction/thriller/suspense can t wait for the rest! Maybe there ll be a Lifetime movie? Amazing!!!!!Hats off to You John and of Couse the captain and all the crew!!!!!The guests were in excellent hands John you should REALLY write a book about your life I would SO buy Hugs and warm wishes to all employees of Carnival Splendor proving once again why I only choose Carnival Cruise Lines when planning my Vacations!! Funny how the only people calling this the nightmare cruise, vacation from hell, and so on, are news people who were not on the ship. I m not surprised that the real passengers are giving positive feedback on the experience. BTW, tomorrow I m on quo vadis movie Liberty, and I know it s going to be great. This story just reiterates to myself how safe I feel on a Carnival ship. Thank you for sharing with us what happened and I look forward to the next part of the story. What a nightmare situation, but everyone walked away safely which is most important. Kudos to you and your excellent crew. Enjoy your well deserve rest and we are eagerly waiting to have you back with us in the blog thingy and Facebook. I commend you guys for such an amazing job! Holy crap John! I neeeeed to read the rest of this story! You ve got me riveted, I can t wait to find out what happens. Seriously, I m imagining what it must have felt like and I ve got jitters quo vadis movie thinking about it! Great story-telling, thanks for being so honest about this event. I think it s important for people to know how it went down so anxious-type ppl like me can t freak out in the future. We have always been impressed by all of the Carnival crew members. From making the gangways safe in small ports to cleaning up evey spill on the ship. However, fire aboard any ship is the worst. The Splendor s crew was tested and from all reports went above and beyond. Congratulations to all.

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