Rain Man Im growing weary of

Rain Man

Im growing weary of the constant proprietary formats that Sony pushes. I like minidisc and bought a home player and portable. I liked the idea of like everything Sony has to have Rain Man own format complete with gonzo royalties and they always find a way to screw it up. Toshiba is a company that doesnt embody the ego of a Sony but Rain Man do a damn good job with their products. Their solution was elegant enough and met the needs of Hollywood. Why not root for them? Why should I encourage yet another foray into Hot Invented Here syndrome from Sony? Ive supported HD DVD from day one can call me a fair weather fan. Someone has to deliver a few reality checks around here. Someone has to deliver a few reality checks around here. // not much of that over the last 5/6 pages on this thread from ANYONE. just a load of horn blowing and i tells yas. just you wait, but you cant rely ons and toy-from-pram-throwing. Much Cheapness!!?actionexpand, 10636 While I want Blu-Ray to prevail, I hope they price HD-DVDs this low too, Rain Man way the consumer wins. While I want Blu-Ray to prevail, to prevail? Is it THAT easy to buy peoples allegiance. Give them a little bit more storage space and theyll let you kickem in the teeth. Toshiba announces in Japan the RD-A1 HD DVD Recorder, OTA tuner and 1TB HDD /2006/06/22/toshibas-rd-a1-hd-dvd-recorder-with-1tb-disk/ to prevail? Is it THAT easy to buy peoples allegiance. Give them a little bit more storage space and theyll let you kickem in the teeth. I want strong studio support, interesting hardware AND more storage space. And considering how buggy Toshs player is, yes Ill pay more although ¸425 isnt more. Seriously, murch, everyone has heard your spiel 1000 times by now. Im not sure youve convinced anyone. This discussion is now little more than a pissing contest between you and pretty much everyone else. The only thing youve really managed to accomplish is to alienate a lot of people who might have considered HD-DVD othewrwise. Toshiba is an old school conservative Japanese company. Their policy is that they dont release results. I do indeed take glee in Blu-Ray missteps. Im growing weary of the constant proprietary formats that Sony pushes. I like minidisc and bought a home player and portable. I liked the idea of like everything Sony has to have their own format complete with gonzo royalties and they always find a way to screw it up. Toshiba is a company that doesnt embody the ego of a Sony but they do a damn good job with their products. Their solution was elegant enough and met the needs of Hollywood. Why not root for them? Why should I encourage yet another foray into Hot Invented Here syndrome from Sony? Ive supported HD DVD from day one can call me a fair weather fan.

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