Running scared The thing I

Running scared

The thing I found odd was the lack of ethernet. I though one of the big things with blu-ray and HD-DVD was the interactivity, and internet ability of the players. And for the 500 toshiba player to include ethernet, but not the 1000 Samsung, seems odd when ethernet is what, a very miniscule cost addon. Not trying to spread FUD, but if the future of the format is to have an internet layer, first gen Samsung buyers would be sol whereas first gen Toshiba buyers have it from the get go, right? Yes I know this statement does sound very FUD-like, but it is an honest question. Or is the whole internet layer going to be like the alternate camera angles we were promised with DVD. A bullet point, but ultimately nothing. Sweet post dude. Ive been running scared going through that thread. Im interesested in seeing screenshots of the Blu-ray movies that they are to get on the 15th. As far as the post you caught onto kupan787, I saw it too. Well just have to wait and running scared for sure what components it might be missing on release on the 25th as Im sure there will be reviews everywhere, giving us the pros and cons. Im not sure how Blu-ray or HD DVD attempt to fully utilize any type of internet connection. Ive heard certain possibilities, but nothing concrete as of yet. Im not sure how Blu-ray or HD DVD attempt to fully utilize any type of internet connection. Ive running scared certain possibilities, but nothing concrete as of yet. Ya, if it ends up just being for firmware updates then no biggie, as I coudl just order a CD if it is needed. But if they plan to do cool interactive features with disks, or games, or whatever, then yippie! I just have this feeling that it is going to have just been another bullet point feature of the next gen format, kind of like camera angles were for current DVDs. Reading through that whole thread, a lot of people seem to be saying to wait for the Pioneer or Sony player, as they will support HDMI 3, and something about some video chipset. I wont even pretend to understand it all, but the gist of what I was getting was that the Sony and Pioneer players will be better and are worth the wait if you can. I dunno, I am still somewhat on the fence. I will be purchasing around Christmas time or maybe January, so I will weigh my options then. If I go blu-ray, it will be via PS3 unless there is a standalone for 400 or less. Hopefully by that point HD-DVD will have a few players to choose from, and will have all the gen1 issues worked out. It will most likely come down to which side has more movies I would purchase. As of today, it is HD-DVD 4 to 1, but I know that 6 months from now that could very easily change especially with the way studios have lined up. Holy smokes a guy bought a Sammy BD Player in Arkansas?t688422 No movies yet but hes testing DVDs and upscaling. Woohoo lets get this battle started. Magnificent! Compared to war all other forms of human endeavor shrink to insignificance. God help me, I do love it so Does that result in a picture quality advantage? I hear the Toshiba Qosmio plays a disc much faster as well. If thats an issue with customers which I doubt it will be then there are ways around it. Um, no. Why would it? It has a user friendliness advantage. Having a player that can actually start playing a disc in a normal amount of time is important. No one wants to wait almost two minutes. The average consumer expects a certain level of functionality. No one likes going back to dial-up after using broadband for years.

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