Secondhand Lions You got jipped and dont even see it

Secondhand Lions

You got jipped and dont even see it. HD-DVD would provide a much better platform for games on the it now? Forget movies. Now how do you feel about your DVD drive for 400? it was to showcase next-gen games, They DID play their cards right, two formats existed, they didnt know which would win. So they decided to play it safe and not force the technology into the console before it was ready for use, thus moving up their launch date. Read my last post Played it, must be why they paid a certain movie studio 150 Million to stick with HD-DVD not too long you that say MS didnt care which would win need to smell the invested big, and LOST. Business 101? Oh come on now, they have the biggest market share in the next gen console market solely because they launched their console way ahead of the competition. Whether or not they plan on supporting blu-ray in the future via an external drive, they still have three 360s in each household for every Secondhand Lions PS That, my friend is business 10 Again, read my last 2 posts above, they sort of answer up business 101 for the 360 a crap under tested system with major flaws, 90 day original warranty a complete joke and only 1/2 next-gen technology. Thats what they did to be Number me go out and buy a 360 right Aeshetics are entirely dependant on the observer, black equiment is boring in my eyes, i like the white. No wrong answer here. Enjoy. In the end I could care less which format wins, Toshiba or Sony. MS may be a backer of HD-DVD but their investment into Secondhand Lions format is not near as great as either Toshiba or Sony has into their formats. Mainly the point Ive been trying to make here. If HD-DVD fails, MS doesnt sell their accessory item for the xbox, the impact of this pales in the savings they made earlier on when they chose to wait it out. The two formats are more than comparable. A bit of marketing thrown here and there can make one seem superior than the other. Citing possible layer increases in the future is something either can do. Yeah, right. Again, the MS 150 Million incentive dont care which wins huh? Wrong, they do care. Oh, they can just do an, exactly why youre getting jipped on your system with old DVD technology and also why HD-DVD didnt win the format war. And for everyone else, people do buy PS3 for Blu-Ray movies. Its well documented, so stop saying that most players dont count since theyre PS3s. Posted Jan 29, 2008 11:26 am PT haha cause oh no! thats an outright victory for blu ray seeing as woolwroths a a chav shop, tehrefore anyone Secondhand Lions shops htere is two poor to even buy a normal dvd let alone a blu ray or HDdvd and b woolworths is a failiing business and has like 000001% of the UK market Posted Jan 29, 2008 11:10 am PT your daddy you must have your eyes check because i can tell a difference between 1080i and 1080p all the time no problem. now if you have a hdtv that is below 52 inch then that is why you cant tell the diff. to tell the difference between 720 p 1080i and 1080p you have to have a tv that is 52in or bigger. you can find that on artstechnica. Actually, I can tell a difference between 720 and 1080 on my you are also obviously a blinded sony fanboy because everything that comes out of your mouth is negativity against MS. quit being a hardcore fanboy and just have fun. Im not a Sony fanboy, Im a quality fanboy, and thats why I support Sony over MS. The day MS puts out a quality game system is the day I shut my mouth. Since it only took them over 2 years to find and correct the RROD problem, and the launch of the Wii and PS3 before they offered their customers extended have no respect for them. Just a bunch of cheaters with very good business skills at brainwashing and ripping people off. Posted Jan 29, 2008 10:25 am PT No PS3 for me. I play my disks using a Blueray combo drive on my PC. Looks stunning on my HD projector! Glad I chose Blueray now.

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