Shrek 2 part 1 full movie hd I

Shrek 2 part 1 full movie hd

I had been netflix member for one yr. I had blu ray issues meaning they wont play or broken disc but netflix wont accept. In may 2010 i switched to dvds but later this month I thought to give one more try with blu ray. When i switched to blu ray i started getting broken disc. When i called them they sent replacement disc which was again broken. And again reporting the problem more replacement disc with bonus disc were sent to me. But for last two weeks i recieved 14 netflix discs. I have all 14 discs at my home including replacement and bonus discs but unfortunately all are broken, shrek 2 part 1 full movie hd inch crack full thickness at one edge and none plays. So today i got fed up, took refund for this month cancelled my service and switched to blockbuster. I have read good reviews regarding blockbuster and with 5 bonus instore exchanges i dont have to worry about disc getting damaged while being shipped. The blu-rays I have been getting recently from Netflix only play for about 15 minutes and then my HP TouchSmart 600 freezes. I had a problem with blu-rays earlier but a firmware upgrade fixed the problem. Now I am having problems again. The last two were new movies that were just released. I am going back and forth with Netflix and HP. HP is replacing my blu-ray player on Monday and I will be interested in seeing if the problem continues. The damaged Star Trek blu-ray I just got didnt actually have a crack on it. There were three 1/2 visible lines on the foil in the disc. My guess is that some machinery impacted it, causing the foil to bend or crease slightly and making the damage faintly visible. Since a lot of players need firmware updates to read later discs, I bet they just assume that a disc isnt actually damaged the first time it is reported and send it back out. I would like to report a cracked disc that I shrek 2 part 1 full movie hd received. Shall we Dance Am I supposed to return it at this time?? Beverly Christensen, November 27, 2010 Thanks for all the posts, guys gals. Ive had two blu-ray disks in a row come to us cracked and now that Ive read this blog Ive decided to stop getting them from Netflix. DVDs look good enough anyway so it is not worth the risk of getting cracked disks. In fact, on my set up some times the BluRay quality is inferior to other movies in DVD I have not had a chance to compare the same movie in both formats when Ive seen the poor quality in the BluRay. I think some movies just dont use as good a technology to master their BluRay disks. Anyway, I hope Netflix solves this problem, at which point Ill probably get BluRay from them again. I finally gave up on Netflix and BluRay after many discs that didnt work. Most did not appear cracked, but still didnt work. Some would never start, some started then locked up at some point during the movie. I was blaming it on my BluRay players error correction, but apparently it is not unique to my Panasonic player. Its a shame. One of the big reasons I bought the BluRay player was so I could watch movies in HD. The streaming works great, but it is still too limited in the titles offered. Ever since I signed up for Netflix bluray subscription, about 60-70% of discs I receive are unplayable usually due to the crack on the outer edge of the disc. Ive had problems with these titles so far: The Covenant, Rush: Beyond the Lighted Stage, In The Shadow Of The Moon, and Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. The RUSH DVD didnt have a crack, but what appeared to be a indention on the label side that made the data side pooch out and uneven which made the disc unbalanced and was really noisy spinning up in the drive. I have an LG BX-580 bluray player it appears that other brands are having issues with Netflix BD rentals as well. I hope they figure it out soon so far the replacement discs mailed to me have played without problems. I have been getting blu-rays from NF ever since they started offering them, I have yet to see a singele cracked disk. I sometimes get cracked DVDs usually they are kiddie movies but shrek 2 part 1 full movie hd blu-rays. Most blu-rays I get from NF are brand spanking new. replace with another disc. service has been great.

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