Space jam soundtrack

Space jam soundtrack buggin

Please don t worry and I promise I will keep you informed. I space jam soundtrack buggin this announcement as calmly as possible and breathing the words so not to sound anxious at all, even though I was. During the next five minutes it became more and more obvious that this was a serious situation. I positioned myself closely to the captain so I could hear firsthand what was happening and so that he wouldnt have to worry about if I had understood or not. As promised 5 minutes later and five minutes later after that I repeated my first announcement and told them there was still nothing further to report and highlighted the Please dont worry bit again. I had nothing new to report but as I had promised the guests I wasn t going to leave them in the dark although later they would be and kept talking to them as much as I could. The next announcement though wasn t for the guests was for the in my 24 years at sea it was the first time I had ever had to do so. Here s what happened. CAPTAIN: JOHN, WE NEED TO SEND THE CREW TO THEIR GENERAL EMERGENCY STATIONS I looked into my friend Claudio s eyes and I could see the worry that was there but also the strong conviction that he had no choice. JOHN: UNDERSTOOD CAPTAIN CREW TO THEIR GENERAL EMERGENCY STATIONS. When a crew member gets on a ship, whatever his or her position onboard, before they are bar waiters or dancers or photographers or stateroom stewards each and every crew member is a space jam soundtrack buggin whose primary task is the safety of the guests and themselves. Each of us has a station or assignment to go to and all are well trained in what needs to be done. And so with a lump in my throat, I made the following announcement. JOHN: LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, WHAT I AM ABOUT TO SAY IS ONLY FOR OUR CREW MEMBERS AND I PROMISE IS MERELY A PRECAUTION SO PLEASE DO NOT WORRY AND TRY TO STAY CALM. CREW I NEED YOU ALL TO PLEASE NOW GO TO YOUR GENERAL EMERGENCY STATIONS. WE HAVE OUR ALPHA TEAMS INVESTIGATING A SITUATION IN THE ENGINE ROOM AND AT THIS TIME THE CAPTAIN NEEDS YOUR HELP. PLEASE GO TO YOUR STATIONS. WE HAVE REHEARSED THIS TIME AND TIME AGAIN HAVENT WE? SO LETS DO WHAT WE HAVE TO DO IN A CALM AND PROFESSIONAL WAY. ALL CREW TO THEIR GENERAL EMERGENCY STATIONS. I should point out here that you may have noticed that I have not used the word fire. I heard that one or two guests had told the media that I had never used the word fire. This is not true. I was going to say this is bollocks but I won t. However, at this point I had not used the F word because the reports from the engine room were that all the teams could see was thick white smoke no flames just thick white smoke. And those words had been repeated to me by the captain when he had me make announcements. He used the word smoke not fire and so those were the words I had repeated to the guests. So now the crew were at their emergency stations and when I say the crew I mean every single crew member went immediately because the Carnival crew are brilliant are not Greek and thus in the lifeboats before the guests. During the next 10 minutes I kept talking to the guests reminding them to stay in their cabins and did my best to keep them calm. I also spoke to the crew, telling them to remember their training and to also stay calm. And they did, both the guests and the crew did exactly what I asked of them and meanwhile I waited for the captain to tell me what was next. And what was next was that the smoke was so intense and so thick that even with breathing apparatus on the teams could not get close to the source. I looked at Captain looked back at me and shook his head slightly and that s when I ruined a really good pair of underpants. Look, friends there are a few things you should remember before you comment. The space below is for you to post your comments about the post Ive just written above. If it is something thats unrelated, please use the Ask John tab above. Now, while I may not be able to reply to your comment below, I do sit in my underpants almost every morning and read everything that is here. So feel free to comment on the comments and then if someone wants to comment on the comment to the comment then go ahead as well. Please be courteous unless the poster is you can say whatever you want. Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked Notify me of followup comments via e-mail.

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