Starter for 10 trailer james mcavoy

Starter for 10 trailer james mcavoy

Why you would want to bypass the far superior original to skip straight to the second is beyond me however. But the acting is actually pretty decent and the story is engaging enough. Sure, I would have probably done things differently if faced with a similar situation. But thats easier said than done, especially when watching from the comfort of your dry living room couch. That almost reminds me, I need to go take a long nap. After all is said and done, have fun with the picture, but face it, youre not watching Lifeboat here. Movie Score: 3/10 Lionsgate debuts the double feature, Open WaterOpen Water 2: Adrift on Blu-ray with a 1080pMPEG-4 AVC transfer and the results are somewhat confusing. Initially, I had high hopes for both releases. As I expected an astonishingly clear picture, that would push my horror to the brink of fear, as my lungs are metaphorically gently being starter for 10 trailer james mcavoy by water. Sadly, after settling into a few minutes of each film, I realized this wouldnt be the case. Honestly, I couldnt believe how bad these films actually look. I guess this is what happens when you stack two films on a 25 GB Blu-ray disc. The look of both films is easily described as hazy, with livid and unnecessary grain. Which lends to the films soft and aged appearance. Im not quite sure if they were going for a certain look here; one of dread maybe, but the heavy images returns a feeling that the audience is watching the story take place on home video rather than film. The color palette is incredibly soft and blurred. Clarity suffers all around and sharpness is dull and bland. Open Water2: Adrift is the better half of the production, with a bolder look, but thats really not saying much. The DTS-HD Master Audio 1 tracks on both films feature a slight improvement over the video presentation. The oceans constant flow churns an image of anxiety that translates well into sound. Rear surrounds are alive with ambiance and the subjective nature overlaps from contrasting starter for 10 trailer james mcavoy of individual scenes. Whereas, scenes of intense action are quite broad and those of lesser excitement narrow in intensity. Even with careful attention to dialogue, some moments are lost in a fog. Overall, Open Water 2: Adrift resembles that of a big production, where the original installment of Open Water seems more amateur. Rating: 6/10 video score: 4/10, audio score: 7/10 One with director Chris Kentis, his wife and producer Laura Lau. Two with leads Blanchard Ryan and Daniel Travis. Alternate opening scene and some scenes that didnt make the cut. Want to pitch your low-budget film to Lionsgate studio executives? Find out how here. A short making of featurette of the first feature. Director Chris Kentis takes the plunge. Swimming with sharks doesnt always mean refinancing your mortgage or trying to weasel out of paying off your loan shark. Another short making of featurette of the second feature. For the list price of 99, at time of review sales can be had for as low as 99, its really hard to argue not picking up the Open Water/Open Water 2: Adrift double feature. The first is a fairly effective picture that offers a unique inside look at a real life story of the struggle over life or death. The second film is ridiculous, but still entertaining. Pick it up if youre in need of the best of both worlds. One being world being good and the other being, well, terrible. To read more about our reviewers and equipment used, please visit our About Us page.

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