Striker songs Mikael and

Striker songs

Mikael and Lisbeth gradually converge and work together to solve a case about what really happened to Harriet, the favorite family member of Henrik Vanger Sven-Bertil Taube, who hasnt been seen since the 60s. Mikael is hired to find out what happened to Harriet. Was she killed and if so who killed her? And if not, striker songs what caused her disappearance? There are many exciting revelations that are striker songs to discover whether the logic behind them holds water or not. In most mysteries, the audience is asked to sit back and enjoy striker songs twists and turns the story takes and to forgive the filmmaker for any lapses in consistency and/or logic. Im not sure if all the many shocks are possible but the viewer wont care. There are so many plot complications and fascinating characters that any flaw in the story is a moot point. The movie might be 2 and a half hours long, but we arent bored one minute since there is enough material here for at least three movies. Though there is a lot going on, the movie never feels rushed, which can often happen in a film filled with so much happening. There is a lot going on in the film but not in a way that drowns the viewer with information. You have to pay attention to all the details since the film has faith in the audiences intelligence and never says things more than once or goes into expository dialogue. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo is one of the best thrillers to come along in quite some time. The movie is almost too good to seem like a movie made nowadays. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo is as good as the thrillers from the 70s and might be the best one since The Marathon Man. This is clearly a movie directed by a skilled craftsman. Filled with excellent shots, a good use of music and cinematography. Niels Arden Oplev does a great job at directing the film and maintaining an excellent pace. Nikolaj Arcel and Rasmus Heisterberg do an excellent job translating Stieg Larssons novel to the screen. I didnt read the book the movie is based on, although now I wish I had. What really makes The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo fascinating to watch are the characters in the film. Every actor does his AND HER I dont want to be one of the men who hate women job superbly. Noomi Rapace goes an excellent job at playing the withdrawn Lisbeth. Although her character is a little too smart to be believable, this is really just a minor quibble. Michael Nyqvist does a great job as Mikael. Special kudos should go to Peter Haber as Martin Vanger, Sven-Bertil Taube as Henrik Vanger, but really theres not a bum performance in the bunch. There is a physical relationship between Mikael and Lisbeth. It is typical in films to have co-workers get romantically involved with one another and this is usually done in an ingratiating way. What isnt typical is the offhanded way it is done here. There are no mushy, insincere exclamations of love. Just casual sex. Which I like. And I find much more honest. There is a scene in the film when Lisbeth walks up to Mikaels bed and they fk. After they are done with what they are doing which is each other, Lisbeth walks away from Mikaels bed and nonchalantly says, Good night. This scene perfectly encapsulates a moment that too many movies rob us ofknowing the difference between hormones and love. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo makes us care about what is happening and who it is happening to, which is essential in not just a good mystery but any good movie which unfortunately too few seem to possess. The movie is confident in its style but not brash about it. The facial expressions, close-up shots on peoples eyes and the use of music all work together to create a symphony of mood, character and feeling. For those with soft stomachs, be forewarned that the violence on display is unflinching. It isnt exploitative but shows the importance of what make people who they are isnt what happens to them but how they react to what happens. The original title of the film seems more appropriate in certain ways as this film does seem to have a feminist bent to it and shows how women are abused by men and the double standard when they show similar behavior patterns. A nice subtle moment in the film is when Lisbeth is walking down the subway and accidentally bump into a bunch of men.

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