Switchfoot your love is a song

Switchfoot your love is a song

This is a fabrication of my stupid brain well as it appears the latest figures are in. And of the people surveyed seemed to think that media based and supplied over the internet even with band widths is going to be the way that the general public is going to view media. my original figures are incorrect and should be disregarded because Im paid alot of money to spill useless facts that provide information that promotes the highest bidder. At this momenmt Internet is better then Blu-ray. But have no fear, Im expecting a call from scandisc saying their going to movies on jump drives. if their price is bigger then blu-ray, and the net new figures will lean towards scandisc. Oh and BTW, this is not a real news report. This is a fabrication of my stupid brain But the net is only better for social pirates if you pay for all youer content its much worse, 16GB jump disc is about 30 whole sale so blu ray is great, even mroe so when discs are 50cents a pop:P We need 3 things to make the net great 1 ISPs that charge by speed not by amounts, the ability to easily subscribe to and view TV online in HD and faster net of course. Charge 10 per 1MBPS under 3MBPS, and 5 over 3MBPSfirst 3 covered, 3 over ten MBPSfirst ten covered this will balance things out. The cable companies are going to have to just reform their infrastructure alil bit to allow for individual speed control. I bet most of the people like having somekind of physical copy what they bought. Imho online video services are most likely only going to affect blu-ray rentals. Just to name few reasons why i would state something like this. Trust. Do people really trust movie service provider to store their movies? What happens to your movies if your movie provider goes bankruptcy? In traditional disk you only have to trust your seller to ship it or hand it to you after you pay them. With digital copy if you dont have switchfoot your love is a song copy in your pc you might have to trust them rest of your life. Number of choices. What if your movie provider doesnt for some reason distribute movie you wantreally old or not so liked movie? You have to go to other providers service and create new account. Do you really want to remeber what movies you have under every service provider when you have registered lets say to 4-5 proviers? I just dont think movie studios will allow you to store movies on your own pc since they want to be in control of their product even after you have bought it. If they did only hdd crash is needed to loose your whole collection. Like already stated here more and more isp:s are setting caps how mutch you can download. Even if they didnt, BD/Hd dvd quality videoaudio material would take so mutch bandwidth switchfoot your love is a song of people wouldt have that good bandwidth. We are talking over 20mb/s speeds here. If you can not watch it as live steam while you download one can make a argument that it is faster to go store and buy the damn thing. How to give something like this as a present? Do you write something on the paper and wrap it up? At least i would prefer disk. 5 Can you sell them? in loved and hated steam service game online distribution you cannot sell your games. For me steam is grate service since it hides most of the drm, cd-keys, etc so you just have to push play and i havent ever sold my games. Games are also mutch more frequently used than movies so they get scratches faster. None of my movies have gone unplayable, but same cant be said about my non steam games. So my prediction is that in less than 10 years Online distribution will remain under 30% and will mostly be used as rental service. If im wrong it is because us and other countries for some reason suddenly want to put alot of money on internet network mainly to replace old cables with fiberoptics. I bet most of the people like having somekind of physical copy what they bought. Imho online video services are most likely only going to affect blu-ray rentals. Just to name few reasons why i would state something like this.

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