Talk to me twista I m betting

Talk to me twista

I m betting Samurai70 is making the same mistake I did assuming that since you have the HD version of AnyDVD installed which is the only option since they merged both DVD and HD executables together, you now have the ability to decode anything. Not true. You must still have a key that enables the HD options. Well, my any DVD is last version available and is not giving me any problem with other BluRay. At the moment I m using DVDFab PassKey, but have not yet tried that movie. Great tutorial! Thanks! Do you know if it s possible to keep subtitles on a Movie-Only Backup? I m backing up a French film talk to me twista a single layer DVD. When I test the movie on my computer playing the. m2ts file in the Stream folder, I can t get the subtitles to show up. In the BD Rebuilder settings I ve selected English Subtitles, but it doesn t seem to affect it. Any ideas? When you load up the Blu-ray into BD Rebuilder, make sure that the English Subtitle is enabled in the main movie selection. No need to go into the BD Rebuilder settings, you should be able to enable it in the main window. I am brand new to blu ray burning and saw this website and will be trying it out with my new blu ray burner and the one thing im confused about is the burning aspect of it. For years ive been using DVD shrink and it required Nero to burn. What does this software require to burn with. ? Richard, I ve updated the tutorial with a new section at the bottom for situations such as yours. In short, I recommend IMGBurn, and here is a guide on how go about using it. Hi Adub, I just installed bd rebuilder 03406 and the speed of talk to me twista encoding is much faster than with older versions like 3309, I have a dell xps with i7 and now it takes something like 2 2;30 hours to do a bd25, it used to take around 5 hours two months ago. Is it the new version of bd rebuilder that makes it faster or maybe I did change something to my computer. To Raul, I d check to see if Automatic Quality is set, because that is one-pass encoding not two. Maybe this is why it takes half as long to encode. Alphamale1956, thanks, I think that s what makes the difference because I remember in the past it did a two-pass and now only one, But I don t really see a difference in the image quality at the end. I just downloaded BD Rebuilder last night and went with the default settings, movie only Tranformers The ETA went from 7 hours to 78 hours so I cancelled it. I m working with 2 quad core, 4gb ram, Windows Is that a normal encode time? I saw posts elsewhere boasting encode times of 4-5 hours. No, that is not normal encode time. Check to see if the Automatic Quality encode setting is enabled. If it is, then it might be a small bug with it s calculation remember, BD Rebuilder is still a beta software. You can change the encoding mode to something more specific you know, Better, 2-pass or something. Try that again and see if the encoding times are more reasonable. Any advice you could give would be appreciated. And I m running W7 64bit btw. I ve got a 40GB Bluray not VC-1 that I want to run through BD Rebuilder and burn to a dual layer DVD using ImgBurn. I m wanting to make a complete back up, not just the movie. I ve had three attempts and each time I get no errors but it just shows up as Data Disc when I pop it into my PS This problem was mentioned previously if I recall. On the third attempt last night I went right back to the beginning and uninstalled Matroska Splitter, FFDshow and BD-RB. I dug around for the leftovers and restarted. Then I followed jdobbs instructions to the letter including only installing the software versions he linked to and also re-did your Chain advice. The only point I wasn t sure of in jdobbs info was After the install, run Video Decoder Configuration for FFDSHOW from the START/Programs menu, and make sure MPEG2 decoding is enabled. There is more than one mention of MPEG2 in the decoder config and there are options when you enable. But I think I fluffed my way through that. Any advice? Anyhoo, I thought I was in luck when I got up this morning and a Windows pop up was telling me I d got a BD in my DVD drive.

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