The big kahuna band 2 If you

The big kahuna band

2 If you have proof of a slot-loading BRD that is at a reasonable price-point then point it out to us. If you have proof of a 5mm slot-loading BRD even exists then point it out to us. 3 You dont have a clue what you are talking about. The Z-series start at 1800 without a BRD. You have to pay 20 99 for a 13 notebook before you even have and option for the BRD, which will cost you an additional 5 4 The Z-series thickness is 0 at the front to That is 33% thicker than a MBP and considerably more volume over a MBs current case. Again, exactly where would this fit in a MB or MBP that currently takes a 5mm drive? Do you think Apple is going to thicken its cases and move to a tray-loading drive just to accommodate a few foolish people? 5 Its been stated several times now, the Z-series does not use a slot loading drive, yet it still costs 500 and is twice the thickness of the MBs optical drive. Are the words slot and tray really that difficult to comprehend? PS: This is usually where someone responds with a lame comment that puts Apple on a pedestal and claims that Apple can have these non-existent 3rd-party drives and a much lower pricepoint than larger, cheaper drives simply because they are Apple. 2 If you have proof of a slot-loading BRD that is at a reasonable price-point then point it out to us. 4 The Z-series thickness is 0 at the front to That is 33% thicker than a MBP and considerably more volume over a MBs current just to accommodate a few foolish people? 1 Its not the quality of the downloads that is the problem for most people, its the connection speed or rather the lack thereof and downloads caps. 2 Maybe theyll get cheaper soon? Like CD and DVD drives did. 4 Maybe theyll get thinner soon? Like CD and DVD drives did. 2 If you have proof of a slot-loading BRD that is at a reasonable price-point then point it out to us. If you have proof of a 5mm slot-loading BRD even exists then point it out to us. 3 You dont have a clue what you are talking about. The Z-series start at 1800 without a BRD. You have to pay 20 99 for a 13 notebook before you even have and option for the BRD, which will cost you an additional 5 4 The Z-series thickness is 0 at the front to That is 33% thicker than a MBP and considerably more volume over a MBs current case. Again, exactly where would this fit in a MB or MBP that currently takes a 5mm drive? Do you think Apple is going to thicken its cases and move to a tray-loading drive just to accommodate a few foolish people? 5 Its been stated several times now, the Z-series does not use a slot loading drive, yet it still costs 500 and is twice the thickness of the MBs optical drive. Are the words slot and tray really that difficult to comprehend? So whats your point? I never said any thing about a slot loading drive. I just said that Sony is able to fit a blu-ray drive in a slim light weight laptop at a price point that is similar to the current MBPs and MBA. If you havent noticed everyone is talking re-design this time around for the MBP. How do you know that Apple wont taper the laptop similar to Vaio Z or the MBA and move away from slot-loading drives. Slot loading drives are a pain in the a% anyway. 1 Its not the quality of the downloads that is the problem for most people, its the connection speed or rather the lack thereof and downloads caps. I know this is an issue in countries like Australia, but in the US its just starting become an issue.

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