The crow guitar solo cover How

The crow guitar solo cover

How can you not read this and think that it all comes down to how can the industry maintain its superiority over the people. This sentence right here for example: Its already here in many ways. Kanye working with Drake, who works with Jay-Z, who works with Nicki who works with Lil Wayne, got out of jail. But, it isnt limited to the commercial rappers. Look at Big, Curreny, Yelawolf and Wiz Khalifa. Im thinking WTF? Arent these the same people who have been promoted all year by the media, BEEN UNITED! Pushing the same style on every song and crappy mentality all year! BTW, these are really ALL commercial rappers. Except, for now. Hell be on a major soon. They aint tag him yet. It seems like your saying the industry has united. Well guess what, some of us know that. When I see a new acct. miraculously pop up on media sites screaming how much these industry artist are so deserving of the superiority they project on us, I wonder how much they get paid to say it. There is absolutely no way anyone could be stupid enough to really support an industry that is rotating the same 100 artist saying literally nothing with impact. DO NOT tell me you dont hear the same artist ALL DAY on the radio, then on the sites, then on the TV etc. The saturation that is a product of the constant manipulation of rotation and cheap publicity, is whats killing rap as well. Gone is the day of the request line. Payola is disguised as advertisement and has gone amuck. Its getting harder and harder to voice an opinion without being brandished a hater anymore. People are now starting to see that people who use this term hater to describe other people are generally pre-programmed in the box type dudes, who just keep the machine running smoothly. Making sure all the people who REALLY matter are happy. The question comes down to who really matters? The answer is easy, its just trying to figure out how they can make trillions out of it that seems to cause the problems. Keeping that invisible LOOP going. Maybe when the people who are in the position to help the situation look at things more realistically rather than businessy, hip hop can get back to its original strength. With all this behind the back, bullcrap double the crow guitar solo cover jibbery jabbery mess people keep cramming down our throats!In an old white mans voice Seems like any rapper who doesnt feel like, fk the world, all I want is your money and I will do anything to get it, gets overlooked by the hip hop media. These rappers are more materialistic than any rich people ever, anywhere. Its crazy! Most of them were raised in the hood, IN THE HOOD, then they get rich and make songs with lyrics like You a broke bh, I pay your welfare, and engrave that mentality in impressionable minds. THEN, when people try to speak out against the ignorance, it is combatted by more ignorance in defense of the ignorance. The real haters are the people who know that we are destroying young minds with negative images and greedy the crow guitar solo cover in rap today. Taking advatage of the weaker minded. You hate your people, thats why you think this way! SMH It is a never ending cycle of manipulation.

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