The illusionist

The illusionist soundtrack

Apple not including Blu-ray as a BTO option in their new notebooks is NOTHING but laziness not getting programmers working on it early enough and cheapness on Apples part made even dumber by the fact that those who REALLY want Blu-ray in their new notebooks would pay the Apple 2x actual part cost tax to have it. are you aware that there are actually NO slot loading 5mm bluray drives on the market??:eek::eek::eek::eek: from your post i am guessing not, the 15 MBPs CANNOT have BR until the new drives is the smaller size come out, i think that is a valid reason. maybe the new revision on the 17 MBP will have it. One last thing not directed at anyone in particular, Jobs excuse about complex licensing is complete BS. Aside from the fact that every other manufacturer can figure out the licensing terms, Apple is on the board of directors of the the organization that writes the licensing terms and determines the patent pool. Had he been honest and said Were holding out until all the major studios are including iPod-compatible digital copies of movies on their Blu-ray for which well charge them a licensing fee for use of our DRM that would be fine an obnoxious demand, but at least honest. But making it sound like the BDA licensing is just too complicated for a company that sits on the board and is itself a member of the patent pool is ridiculous. i have no idea what apples reasons behind the licensing problems, but i see no reason for them to lie about it. i have to say i completely disagree with you on your compaint about ripping to the computer, space these days is not an issue really. i have a 500gb HD inside my MBP, you will soon see 1tb drives that can go into a laptop. True enough. But at 50GB per title granted thats the max, even a 1TB hard drive could only hold 20 titles, and thats without leaving room for anything else. And I REALLY the illusionist soundtrack better things to do with my time. Ripping 50GBs of data to my hard drive for each title is hardly convenient. Tossing a disc in is. compressing the videos can be quite handy! if you have a nice home theatre set up you could buy a mini, rip all of your movies to external HDs whilst still maintaining the quality and use the mini to watch the movies digitally. these movies can be reduced to around 5gb-10gb depending on their length. all you need to do then is simply copy them onto your laptop when your ready to go away and wala!! no more discs and worrying about scratching them and keeping them organised!! as you could probably tell i prefer digital media, its much easier to work with than media. I do a lot of compression work, and if you cant tell the difference between a 40Mbps AVC encode on Blu-ray and a re-compressed 10Mbps or whatever AVC encode that youve created then youre either blind or dont have your setup properly calibrated. A 5-10GB re-encode is nowhere near the quality of most Blu-ray discs there are exceptions, in cases where grain is nearly non-existant. Its good enough for watching on the go but its still time consuming and not remotely convenient. as i mentioned in the previous quote, having everything digital to me is a lot more convenient then having to worry about discs. apple has their reasons for not including BR, read down to find out. are you aware that there are actually NO slot loading 5mm bluray drives on the market??:eek::eek::eek::eek: from your post i am guessing not, the 15 MBPs CANNOT have BR until the new drives is the smaller size come out, i think that is a valid reason. maybe the new revision on the 17 MBP will have it. i have no idea what apples reasons behind the licensing problems, but i see no reason for them to lie about it. You are wrong on that point, as I the illusionist soundtrack out before.

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