The jacket movie part

The jacket movie part 1

Android moves fast and I need a phone that can move with it. I am not going to T-Mo or dropping nearly 600 on a phone N1 so I will retreat to my trusty WinMo phone until something better comes along which I am sure it will. They will achieve root, Trust me with all the skilled Devs working on this they will get it. I had an eris and we waited the jacket movie part 1 most of the Devs gave up and that even still got root. Well first things first. Im not going to read the post because I know the jacket movie part 1 of it isnt true and is user fault. Im just upset because I thought this was going to be about the breakdown of society following the accidental release of a highly contagious rage virus that focuses upon the struggle of four survivors to cope with the ruination of the life they once knew. Btw this isnt a new member. Its the most widely known troll on the forum. I wont say names but the regulars know who the jacket movie part 1 is. The more you feed him the more he gets off so just let it slide into oblivion. Im sure most of you arent going to read it like me. You bought a phone with the hopes that somebody out there would be able to exploit the OS without knowing if it could really be done and now youre upset about it? lol, thats funny. I bought a phone so I could try Android out knowing that during my 30 day trial period several things would happen: give the devs some time to see about root. All of those things happened. I enjoyed Android and believe in the future of the platform. Froyo was detailed and looks great. HTC says we can expect it by the end of the year. Root on the DI appears to be difficult. If I am going to sign away two years of my life, I need to be sure that the device I am getting can handle that. Without root I am not sure that any Android device can. BTW why are there 10 posters here with 3 posts? PeteyNice, Patsum, c3poman. Go away BetterMost. With the exception of the battery life, Im really happy with all the stuff the OP mentioned. Call quality has been great for me, even with no bars. Pic quality has been excellent, and I havent had any problems with the microphone.

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