The life coach Boyle used all

The life coach

Boyle used all his nous to capture the streets of London without any form of movement whatsoever; policemen blocked off the freeway for a the life coach minutes at a time so they could film the solitary car making its way down the road and crew members patrolled the streets to stop early risers from wandering on to the set in the early morning. This is definitely one hell of a ride, and I ll guarantee you ll be scared to death for most of it. The trick about this one, however, is that much of the tension comes from the anticipation of what will happen next, rather than any out-and-out horror thrills. What has been done with a limited budget using digital video is remarkable. And thankfully a relatively unknown cast was hired, even after the likes of Leonardo Di Caprio and Tilda Swinton were reportedly offered roles in the film. What could well have been just a simple horror film has been transformed into a rock solid thriller that will knock your socks off, one that is certainly deserving of a spot in your best of 2003 lists. It s difficult to assess this transfer because of the use of digital video. On the one hand you ve got the director s intention of making things look a little less pristine than usual, highly fitting for a film of this ilk. On the other hand you ve got an inherent loss of sharpness and detail that comes along with shooting on video, digital or otherwise. The 85:1 transfer fares quite well regardless, though if anything the quality of the DVD brings out the flaws in the degraded format. Softness is the biggest issue, with the life coach of the wide establishing shots suffering badly from lack of detail. Nevertheless, you ve the life coach to look at it in terms of the director s intentions, so on the whole there s really nothing wrong with any of it. The soundtrack for horror films can really make or break the effectiveness of the major scares. Too often thing sound artificial, particularly if several effects are bouncing illogically around the rears instead of sounding lifelike. The Dolby Digital 1 track included on this disc builds the tension brilliantly, using atmospheric sounds through the front and rear speakers to begin with initially, then moving on to swinging bats, gunshots and the snarls of the infected all moving around the stage quite well. In between all this is a very subtle musical score, headed up by a haunting version of Ave Maria during various scenes. In all there s a lot to like about this soundtrack without it being too intrusive, giving the listener maximum effect to ensure they re scared stiff by the sounds as much as the visuals. A relatively small but very interesting extras package has been assembled here, starting with a commentary track with director Danny Boyle and writer Alex Garland. One thing to note is that the section devoted to special features doesn t mention the commentary track. It s only when you look in the languages section that there s the option to turn the extra soundtrack on. Some people might miss this so it would have been good to have it in the extras menu as well. The track itself is very informative. There s nothing like listening to the filmmakers talk about how they achieved different aspects of the production on a limited budget. With blockbuster films there s nothing that money can t buy, but when you re challenged by limited funds creativity plays a big part in the film s success.

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