The one that got away katy perry official video

The one that got away katy perry official video

Armed with an edgy wit and an arsenal of silver and wood-tipped bullets, Dylan must solve a series of murders before an epic war ensues between his werewolf, vampire and zombie clients. Based on one of the world s most popular comic books, this inventive horror comedy will slay you with humor and genuine frights. I hate crowded movies theaters, the talking, the texting, the not being able to stretch-out and relax. Not to mention, the one that got away katy perry official video locked in a room with 50 or 60 people eating nachos, popcorn and hotdogs is nauseating. The collective smell of awful theater food is disgusting, and listening to people slurp and slobber in my ear is like hearing 100 people rake their finger nails across a chalkboard. Fortunately for me, I m able to go to the movies on weekdays, during the day, which means I never have to deal with crowded theaters. Thank god! For those of you who are forced to deal with the texting and talking, here is a PSA from the Alamo Drafthouse that you may enjoy! I almost forgot about our old friend Nutty Madam the troll proof Twilight fan who has been breaking computer speakers with her Twilight Reaction videos for years. Here is her latest masterpiece, Breaking Dawn Trailer Reaction. Turndown your speakers and prepare yourself for the ultimate in Twilight fan fuckery! While we wait for an official Scream 4 DVD and Blu-ray release date, The Weinstein Company launched a free Scream 4 app for IOS devices. Try the official game of SCRE4M with SCRE4M Lite, you will get the one that got away katy perry official video a taste for slashing For the first time ever, play as the killer in a game and slash your way to victory. Just like the movie, killing by the Rules of Horror is the way to succeed. Even though I hate origin stories I m going to give X-Men: First Class a chance. At least it looks like they use their powers in this movie, unlike the boring Thor travesty where he was Prince Adam for 90-minutes. Since my movie going excursions normally take all day they include a two-mile walk, a trip to Targhetto, the liquor store, and that burger joint Five Guys Burgers and Creampies I decided to leave you with some pictures of January Jones Emma Frost in her underwear. I know it has nothing to do with horror films, but I really don t give a flying fart. Horror Year Book is represented by Gorilla Nation. Please contact Gorilla Nation for ad rates, packages and general advertising information. Posted by andraz, under zemanta on September 24th, 2009 A few months ago we have started an exit survey to figure out why some people uninstall Zemanta Firefox extension as inexplicable as it sounds to us, it does happen. To our surprise users were willing to share their view and help us improve Zemanta experience. Substantial number of responders commented that Zemanta slows down their writing experience since it loads later than the rest of their blogging dashboard and even confuses them by springing into life after they already start to write. We dug in and tried to figure out what is going on. We knew that we can t load instantly due to the mechanics of extending the dashboard, but we were still astonished by what we found: Sometimes it took us a few seconds before we d start loading and much more before we finished! So we devised the plan and went to work. Zemanta was loading multiple javascript and CSS files from Amazon S3 hosting. It can easily take 200 to 300ms per file to be downloaded. And lastly we downloaded a file containing inspirational articles that show up before you write any text. We addressed all of the above. Now we are happy to report that Zemanta loads in 5 seconds. This should be negligible for most users. We spent first week of September on these optimizations and then released them one by one after they passed quality control. The last one was the upgrade of Firefox extension to version We merged all javascript files into one, and all CSS files into one We moved hosting from Amazon S3 to Amazon CloudFront, the proper content distribution network difference was amazing, now those files take 30ms to load We implemented user-side caching of user preferences in both Firefox and Internet Explorer extensions. This reduces time to fetch preferences to zero after first load We created central defaults file that is updated every hour and holds both Flickr images list and related articles that are shown for inspiration before you start writing. Loading of this file is substantially faster than calling Flickr on every Zemanta load. So all this delivered faster, better uncut Zemanta to our bloggers! If you have issues that annoy you when using Zemanta, please do let us know! We are listening at ! p2133 Architectural Technologist Photo storage We re also sponsoring the WordPress NYC Meetup tomorrow night. Stop by for a fun meetup and say hello! /rSf6bFJ 19 hrs ago The names and logos for Zemanta are registered trademarks of Zemanta, Ltd. All text and design is copyright Â2006-2009 Zemanta, Ltd. All rights reserved. Read our terms of service, the one that got away katy perry official video our privacy policy. Kate watches Big Brother and other reality television for uncensored footage. Wohoo first house nudity uncut and the prize goes to the Hayley Zalewski the bodybuilder champion and lawyer from Victoria who is already kissed housemate Andrew in a secret relationship.

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