The Quiet American No more

The Quiet American

No more looking towards the entertainment coon 50, lil Wayne and other for inspiration! No black person can ever say that they cannot do something cause of the white man! We can do anything. If you wasnt on the FIRST SLAVERY BOAT to AMERICAN than your Blood is washed out anyway!!! WE ARE ALL MIXED with white blood!!!! Read a History Book and stop trying give us your UNEDUCATED N!gga theorys!!!! Italy was delightful. Did yall miss me? YESSS WE CAN!!! I BARACKED THE VOTE N HELPED MAKE HISTORY YESTERDAY!!! I CRIED I WAS SO HAPPY. I LET MY TWINS KNO B4 I LEFT THE HOUSE THAT MOMMY WAS ABOUT TO HELP MAKE HISTORY! curious??? /mizzznique I think life in this country, in this world instantly changed for us! We screamed, we cried, we were insane! I wish I could have gotten down to would have been great. re an idiot for even calling anyone racist. And I didnt say blacks are african americans dumb ass, I said BLACK IS A COLOR and african american, and african are RACES. And I have a second grade education???? Didnt you just say this: Black? not African American, most Blacks have never even been to Africa or can tell much about it Only and idiot or an ACTUAL person with a 2nd grade education would try to say you have to go to a country to be that race. F u c k i n g idiot. ASK ME ABOUT MY MUSIC PAGE!!! omg i hate this site, even in such an AMAZING and historic moment, people on here have to bicker and complain. OBAMA IS GOING TO BE THE NEW PRESIDENT! that is all that matters. I could not be any The Quiet American happy or proud. The next first family is so beautiful and genuine. Right after I voted I was playing Young Jeezys black president song and i was screaming OBAMA! some guy gave me a thumbs down. I HOPE HE FEELS STUPID NOW!! I am so overjoyed right now. OBAMA!!!!! CONGRATS TO U PRESIDENT!!!!! KNO THERE R STILL A LOT OF HATERS OUT THEIR AND NO MATTERE HOW WELL U DO, THERE WILL STILL BE BROUGHT HOPE TO A LOT OF BROWN CAN BE WHAT EVER WE U JUS PROVED THE PRESIDENT TO ALL OF US, NOT JUS THE BROWN BLESS U If you wasnt on the FIRST SLAVERY BOAT to AMERICAN than your Blood is washed out anyway!!! WE ARE ALL MIXED with white blood!!!! Read a History Book and stop trying to give us your UNEDUCATED N!gga theorys!!!! Italy was delightful. Did yall miss me? And go look it up!!! There are EUROPEAN GOOGLE HONEY before you talk out your one is racist on here except you. ASK ME ABOUT MY MUSIC PAGE!!! iam so excited that we have a African American prez, i know all our civil rights leaders are happy. i know in dc i never seen sooo many strangers of all races hugging and giving each other high 5s and dancing in the streets with no violence iam so excited WELCOME TO DC OBAMA!!!! PPL DONT LET THESE HATERS SPOIL THIS HOLIDAY. A REALTOR FRIEND OF MINE JUST CALLED ME AND TOLD HAPPY OBAMA DAY AND IT SOUND LIKE SWEET MUSIC IN MY EARS. I GUESS ALL THE WALMART MOMS, NASCAR DADS, JOE THE PLUMBERS SAID FUCCK THIS SHIIT IM VOTING FOR MCCAIN. WHAT SOME PPL DONT UNDERSTAND GOD DID THIS. THIS WAS ALREADY WRITTEN AND ALL WE DID YESTERDAY WAS GO THROUGH THE MOTIONS. GOD TOLD US THAT THE LAST SHALL BE FIRST AND THE FIRST SHALL BE LAST. SEE YESTERDAY CRUSHED WHITE SURPREMACY. NO SCARE TACTICS GOING TO WORK IF IT EVER DID WORK. GOD HAS AND HAD HIS HAND ON THIS ELECTION. SEE WHEN GOD MAKE A STATEMENT HE MAKE A BIG STATEMENT. HE DIDNT JUST LET THIS MAN WIN THIS ELECTION. HE MADE THIS MAN BREAK AND SET UNHEARD OF RECORDS. IN THE PRIMARYS HE HAD THE MOST POPULAR VOTES EVER, FUNDRAISING WILL NEVER BE TOUCHED, The Quiet American MILLION IN ONE MONTH, GROUND TEAM IS UNTOUCHABLE AND AGAIN UNHEARD OF TO KNOCK ON 4 MILLION DOORS IN PA IN A WEEKEND BEFORE THE ELECTION. THEN GOD SAID IM NOT GOING TO MAKE THIS LONG CUZ I WANT MY PPL TO CELEBRATE AS SOON AS THE WEST COAST CLOSE ITS POLLS CUZ ITS NOT GOING TO BE LIKE A 20 NOT ONLY IS THIS MAN LOVED SO MUCH IN AMERICA BUT ALL OVER THE WORLD GOD MADE IT SO THEY WILL LOVE HIM AND HELP HIM MAKE PEACE AT A TIME OF WAR. SO ALL THESE HATERS SAYING HES WHITE OR WHATEVER. KEEP TALKING AND SAYING IT CUZ WITHOUT YOU WE WOULDNT KNOW THE TRUE POWER OF GOD. CUTENKINKY, STFU. What are you saying? Be happy for the man and this country or go on another post. You are such an annoying bitch omg I want to slap you right now that means you have a 1st grade education.

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