The rock theme song 2010 I am

The rock theme song 2010

I am normally an early adopter but in this case Ill wait until the BR players fall down to 1 It WILL happen, it will just take time. But I dont think you have to rebuy your dvds to get them to play on the Blu-Ray Players, you just dont get all the fancy schmancy new If it wasnt for the PS3 there wouldnt be any blu-ray players out there. HD-DVD had just gotten to the price that would have been perfect for the consumers to start buying in mass when the movie studios killed it. Now the consumer is left with the option of buying a Blu Ray player for 99 and up, or once again, a PS3 for the same price. Wow, what a shocker people arent lineing up in droves for this deal. That this is an extremely price-sensitive market. Toshiba and the HD DVD camp understood this and were doing there best to drive down the cost to produce high-definition video hardware. Unfortunately the Sony marketing machine, and their shrewd decision to make the PS3 a Blu-Ray player right out of the box, was able to crush the competition before they were forced to lower their prices to remain competitive. I think Sony has greatly over-estimated the appeal of HD media to the average consumer. I have HD programming through DirecTV and I rarely watch anything that comes on a non-HD channel, however I still havent invested in Blu-Ray due to the steep cost of entry for both hardware and movies. Perhaps this data will give Sony a swift kick in the rear and force them to lower their licensing fees in order to encourage more 3rd party manufacturers to enter the market. I wouldnt hold my breath though. True can get the same Movies on HD thru should I buy an expensive player?? I mean how loud or how clear does it need to be??? No wonder everyone is Remember when the key studios dropped HD-DVD and told us that the problem was that we needed them to make the decision for us? Apparently that wasnt really the reason that we werent buying. So what will they come up with now? What other decision do they want to tell us we made for them? Buying BR is like shooting at a moving target. Why buy when they keep changing standards? Whenever they actually figure out what BR is standards, maybe Ill buy that. Its not moving because the layperson doesnt care. They just DONT. DVD is very good quality and most of the mainstream market doesnt see the value for the investment. Honestly, I think that consumers might actually want to buy a BluRay player if they got a decent demonstration on one playing on a high end system compared to a DVD. I havent seen any decent demos outside higher end video shop like a Tweeter, though. BluRay Demo stations like the ones they have at Target are NOT helping their cause. Theyre showing BluRay disks on a cheap 32 720p LCD with crummy built-in stereo speakers! I dont think that a setup like that could do most DVDs justice, let alone a BluRay movie. The demo that I saw at Best Buy wasnt much I could hardly tell the difference between the two on the mediocre 42 Phillips LCD TVs they were using. How are consumers supposed to be impressed with a lousy demo like that? To truly enjoy BluRay you need to have a 1080p display that is also very large so that the resolution can be seen. The audio needs to be decoded and played through a very good receiver and played on a 1 speaker setup with a powerful subwoofer. So, the customer should not only anticipate 400 for the player and nearly double the media price, but also an extra 4000 in equipment to allow the BD to shine. Face it. BluRay can turn make an excellent theater experience in the home. But that costs a bloody fortune. DVD can deliver a good enough presentation. And it appears that for once the American public has figured it out. With many of the biggest movie titles still unavailable on BD. For example, where is the LOTR and Matrix trilogy on BD?!? And what about all the HD-DVD releases that they still havent gotten out on blu-ray yet, despite not even having to remaster them?! Star Wars on BD would be an instant win. Think about it. When has Sony ever launched a successful proprietary technology? Beta Max, failed. Super audio disk/minidisk, failed. The PSP was the most overhyped bust in recent history. Now Blu-Ray, well have to see how that works out. Toshiba had a better product in HD-DVD that would of seen far better market saturation, and you guys know it.

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