The ron clark story full movie

The ron clark story full movie

WHY does my BD player read a 35 cent DVD-R and NOT a BD-R that would hold so much more data????????? 1 more? please: How can I backup MY 4GB Movies on ONE BD-R and get them to be seen played on my Samsung P-1500???????? Thank you all in advance. PS I DID purchase my Blu-Ray Dvds-I want to back them up and either GIVE THEM AWAY as Christmas Presents or sell them-money is getting tighter !!!: Buddy Taylor. Possible firmware difference/issue with the two Samsungs? There is a list of compatible hardware in the BD Rebuilder section on Doom I play my backups on a PS3 so I can t really be much help as that s a whole different kettle of ballgames. Other than that I can say that 8 hours for a backup isn t unusual. Mine can take up to 8 hours on standard settings on my i7 860 with 8GB RAM and an SSD to do the mundane stuff. Have you tried just movie only for the BD-R? I should also say that as I don t have a BD burner all my backups are on DL DVDs and they look superb. Make sure that your firmware is up to date on your players. In addition, are you doing a full backup or just a movie only? Movie only you shouldn t have any problems. A fully backup only tends to have problems when dealing with Java content. As for your multiple movies on 1 blu-ray question, you can use MultiAVCHD. It will automatically generate a menu for all of your imported titles, and go about handling the encoding and content structure creation. Thought I d add that I did my first BD-5 yesterday. TBH I can barely tell the difference between that and my previous BD-9s. The quality is exceptional. Good news. Glad to hear it Richard! I just got back here to read the responces. I had forgotten I left questions HERE. I must THANK jdobbs for this Godsend of a pgm. It worked great UNTIL early this am 1am when something I must the ron clark story full movie done screwed it me all up. Here s my explanation. note: I gave the BD-1500 AWAY IT STATED IN SPECS-does not playback BDs only BD ROMS. My dumbness! I won a Samsung BD-C5500 on ebay it plays most everything until lately pixilations r showing up all over the place i WANT NEED to slow down ImageBurn to 2X not the 4X it goed to even 1X to improve quality I tried in settings It still seems to laugh me, the bugger. THE SELECTED PATH LENGTH EXCEEDS CURRENT LIMITS-can not process. I ve gotten this error 8X trying to process BRAVEHEART my old copy of TRANSFORMERS after using AnyDVD to work its majic. This, believe it or night kept me on my PC from 2am-6:30am-after my wife got up for work. I have wounds blisters upon my forehead from banging my head against the wall. Now my visiting grandchildren wiull have nothing to watch in 1080P except what i get on the UHF antenna on my roof. Your help is appreciated. PS I did DL the NEW v 11 and still got failures. AVISYNTH Version: 0, Ok FFDSHOW: 3123, not recommended version THANK YOU, DON I have out on rent BOLT Braveheart I can t keep them oh did DL the latest required pgms that BD-re. needs from the author s website. I really thoughyt i installed them as I did 2 weeks ago. I also made a lot of room on my the ron clark story full movie Hd. I know i should give up no work at home is being done my wife wants to take the PC away w/her to work I just can t accept DEFEAT. I ll wait wash the laundry dishes, for your helpful suggestions. how about posting me direct?? D Adub, Just a quick thought b-4 it dies of loneliness: From Your patient, carefully worded responces tells me you d be the kind of friend to have over the home to watch Monday Night Football chug a few beers. I have really enjoyed making OTHER people happy using this pgm. I have farrrr too many friends w/o jobs and who can not afford to take their wives children to see a good movie to take the ron clark story full movie minds off their money problems. Since I don t smoke, clubhop, do drugs w/o my Doc s permission I use this hobby to send out giveaway what I create after we watch at home. I m not tooting my horn, I would never sell a single video my axiom: you get greedy, you get caught. Thanks for helping me HELP OTHERS. bUDDY FFDSHOW: 3123, not recommended version I don t recognise the error you got but you need to exclude the above.

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