The terminator salvation movie part 1

The terminator salvation movie part 1

Which is more than I can say about most other submissions on NG as of late. Honestly, How can Halo: Funny Situations get five the terminator salvation movie part 1 this gets a 2? No users have weighed in on this review. There are a total of 55 general entries. We are selecting 30 for display. What word did the survivors write out in sheets, on the grass, to signal the plane passing overhead? Hello. This is at the very end of the movie. The pilot does notice their message, but we never find out if they are rescued. When Jim walks in and sees the soldier laying on the floor in a bedroom, what does the soldier say? I dont have any ammo!. This happens after Jim barricades the door, he finds the soldier on the floor, repeatedly saying this line. How does Jim free the infected, guinea pig, from his bonds? He shoots the chain. Jim wants to get revenge on the people who were trying to kill him, and save Hannah and Selena, from what he perceives to be rape. What color are the dresses that Selena and Hannah are forced to wear? Red. In preperation for being impregnated, the Major wanted them to look proper. What did the Sergeant say he would rather be watching on tv, just like the rest of the world is? The Simpsons. He says this because he believes that Britain is quarantined from the rest of the world, Its only a little island. How does Jim fake out the firing squad? Jumps in a pile of corpses. Jims quick thinking, allowed him to escape the clutches of the soldiers, he jumps into a pile of corpses while the soldiers are distracted, and makes his escape when they are gone. The chef at the blockade was cooking up, something special, what was it? rotten eggs. In my opinion this was one of the funniest parts of the movie, a military cook in a pink apron, with a huge smile. How many miles was it from the city to the 42nd blockade? We hear this the terminator salvation movie part 1 Frank pulls out the map, and tells them how far it is. How many horses are running in the field? Jim and company are the terminator salvation movie part 1 at the field for the night, and Jim says, They look like a family and wonders if they may be infected also. When Jim and the other survivors get a flat tire in the tunnel, what do they see running away from the infected people? Rats. After driving over the mass of cars, they get a flat tire, and see the rats running towards them, closely followed by the infected people. Jim said he knew where the first infected person, the one who attacked him through the glass door, lived. Where was he from? 4 houses down. When Jim was attacked through the door, Mark and Selena come to his assistance, and after Mark gets tore up by Selena, and he is standing over the body, and he remarks, s from 4 houses down! What was Jim drinking in the home movie he watched? Orange Juice.

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