The watchers bob

The watchers bob instrumental

The army is calling for everyone to seek shelter in Manchester, which is where they depart to. Frank drives them in his Taxi. They have to take a dark path under a bridge, where cars and bodies block the way. Frank drives through them and makes it, with a flat tire. As he changes it, zombies begin to come towards the car. In a very suspenseful scene, they get the tire on and drive off. They come to a store and get all the supplies they need. They drive to a grassy area in the middle of nowhere and stay the night. In the morning, they leave and go by a gas station. Jim goes inside and is confronted by an infected adolescent, who he kills with a bat. Frank gets gas and they leave. When they arrive in Manchester, they find it burning and destroyed, no people. Frank looks for other people and cars. As he sits to think, he finds a crow. He the watchers bob instrumental it away, only to get a drop of blood in his eye from a dead zombie. He tells his daughter to stay away, and as he transforms, soldiers shoot him and take Jim and the others to their hideout. At a secluded mansion-like hideout, the watchers bob instrumental are introduced to the soldiers, and then to Major West Christopher Eccleston. He shows Jim around the house, the kitchen, and then in the courtyard, where they have Mailer, one of their infected soldiers, tied in chains. He is the guy on the preview, at the end with the orange-red eyes, FYI. Later that night, when they are eating dinner, zombies begin to break into the compound. The soldiers go outside and take them out. As this happens, Jim learns the secret behind the soldiers rapist feelings towards Selena and Hannah. Major West explains it all: The nine solidiers were already in a desparate state nine days ago, and one of them was even the watchers bob instrumental suicide, as they faced this hopeless situation. To keep his troop together the Major promised them women with whom they could build a future after the virus-outbreak was over. When showing Jimmy the infected solidier earlier, the major also mentioned that they primarily kept him to see how long it would take to starve a zombie to death.

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