Wall Street Iwould make the agar film thinner next time

Wall Street

Iwould make the agar film thinner next time. Also, the rice needed to be different, maybe crispy rice chips? Plating: It did kinda look like dolphins jumping in the ocean with the sun setting, lol, right? or am i stretching? Fail: In the beginning I tried to make coconut powder with maltodextrin, but there was too much water in the coconut butter, so it clumped up on me, so I scratched that. Success: It would have to be the taste of the ginger pineapple film. That was on point. Let me know what you think, positives, critiques etc Also, please rate this post/concept with the star system a bundle! Thanks for updating me on the site not able to comment much because I m traveling w/limited internet but this curry looks awesome. Wow, this is really cool! Loved that you posted the process can t wait to see what you do next This is sooo cool! I love it. I m definitely Wall Street back for more. Awesome! That looks insane! I totally want to try cooking like that but I m feeling slightly inhibited by the fact I never even took chemistry in high school! It looks intriguing and delicious! Thank you for your kind words about my jewelry. I m so honored that Sandy sandyalamode chose it for her first giveaway. What a unique way to cook. feels like I m watching an episode of CSI lol. thanks! just love to play with my food. step-by-step shots of their adventures in molecular gastronomy or cooking, most notably blogger Mira Uncut. Knowing that I wanted to create something really unique for my husband s birthday dinner You are a mad scientist! Love it! teehee, thx cathy love ur blog too! Inspirational! love the look on the place! I m a big fan of cooking from scratch, have my own herb garden and MG is the next thing for me since watching The Mad Gelee scientist, just eating at Volt last week with 3 of the 5 courses having an Air in them, and the visit by Wylie Duphresne on TC Masters. What bookstools etc did you find most helpful getting started? I also noticed that Le Sanctuarie was a bit cheaper for some of the common MG stuff. there was a comparison matrix somewhere. saw a L Epicure bag in one of your pics also seem to be some incredibly Wall Street powders of fruits there though that Le Sanctuaire doen t seem to have. I actually compared l epicerie and le sanctuaire while trying to decide from where to purchase. Some prices were less and some were more, but it evened out. Another factor was that le sanctuaire s smallest size was way bigger for eg for agar. There cheapest one started at granted it was 180z vs the 4oz i got at lepicerie for 22, but i had a budget and wanted to get smaller amounts of various things rather than alot of one thing. And it doesnt make sense to pay for 2 shippings so i stuck w lepicerie. I will note that they had run out of one product so i got the whole shipment late and i was annoyed. and to be honest, i havent used much other yet. it just really takes ALOt of experimenting. I recently purchased heston blumentahls fat duck cookbook, and alinea cookbook so i can expand on techniques. I;ll cover them on the blog as i go. Also, its great u got to go to volt! its funny u mentioned air I will be making something this weekend and will post it next week. its great ur excited about mg like i am Hello again, I think the composition is good, but the order of the flavours is maybe wrong. The same thing could be done with a terrine of some sorts I think, with your agar i would turn them into liquid gels and dot them around being dotted around the terrine. Maybe safron rice, but not much thanks for the tips. I wasn t super happy with how this came out. Its one of my earlier plates Needs a redo. Copyright 2011 MiraUncut cooking, restaurant reviews, molecular gastronomy, and sweet stuff in Michigan WordPress Subscribe to Articles RSS Many of us went out again in Londonunder the banner of UK Uncut on Sunday. We were met at our start point by dozens of police vans containing more officers per protester than were at the EDL march in Blackburn. FIT officers were on the sceneopenly filming everyone in an act ofsurveillance asintimidation. With many UK Uncut protesters facing trial after the farcical arrests on 26 March, we were short of some familiar and much-loved faces but it was wonderful to see a number of brave new individuals joining us for the first time, many motivated by disgust at the shameful news coverage by the BBC of the previous weekend. At our meeting point, Superintendent Jon Morgan came over to talk at length about what we may and may not do. He explained how he had been given carte blanche and unlimited resources to police our actions with as much force as he saw fit and how he wouldn t hesitate to arrest all of us if we stepped out of line for a moment. There was a strongly veiled hint that we could be arrested if we so much as entered a store with an intention to protest and that if a store chose to close as a result of our actions then we might be held guilty of aggravated trespass because we had, by our presence, restricted their ability to carry out their business. He was thoroughly decent about it.

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