When soldiers cry movie trailer

When soldiers cry movie trailer

I have 4 Consoles. Wheres your Xbox/Xbox 360? you would have seen that I posted that HDDVD was dead and could only really be a benefit to upscale your movies. If you had a 360 you would know the 360 already does that without the HD-DVD drive. Wireless is convenient for those that the Router is 100ft away. Lets see, run a 100 feet of cable, or turn the wireless on, I think the decision is simple! Well, but its still not required. I can get a 100ft eithernet cable for about Though I already put eithernet plugs in the wall of my house, so for me Wifi isnt required. Sony did not make the Hard Drive and Option on their low end PS The when soldiers cry movie trailer end 360, it is an OPTION, hence 99! So what? People that get the Arcade edition might not want the 99 HDD. Thats the nice thing about choice. 279 is still 120 cheaper than the PS3, which is good if your only planning on using as a game machine. I dont care about HD-DVD or Blu-Ray. I bought my 360 for games; I dont care about buying movies. Id rather save the money for games instead which the 360 has more of. I use my HTPC for my media center which is better than both the 360 and PS3; which is compatible with Blu-Ray if I ever do decide to use it. By your way of thinking, when a new console comes out, you just throw the old one and its games in the closet. Uhmmm, you mean your TV only has one connection for your PS3? What cheapass TV did you get? My reciever can connect everything too. I have my PSone, N64, PS2, Xbox, Xbox 360, PSP, PS3, Gamecube, Wii and HTPC all connected to my HDTV and still have room for more. Even if HD-DVD Lived, it would have made better sense to put in in the unit rather then a side-car. Well except for peope like me that dont care about movies and would rather pay less for a gaming machine. Theres better things that can do either one better, like my HTPC. Oh, BTW; you PS3 fanboy. Or should I say Blu-blood soldier. but its going to take time before the ps3 power is really going to be used. Agreed, although the graphics has most likely already been maxed out shortly after launch. What else can we expect them to accomplish using a GPU that is a 2 generation old series 7 GeForce?: No because they would have had to pay Sony a Licensing Fee. Branding your own consoleproduct enable you to call the shots and make the. For the PS3 for instance, you have to buy the SDK from Sony for 10K. That is 10k that Sony made even if you dont make a game. Then the minute to do make it and market it, you still have to pay Sony since you want to put the PS3 Label on it. MS was smart for making and getting into the Console market, I just dont like that they basically left when soldiers cry movie trailer the original XBOX owners out there to dry when the 360 came out. It is typical MS that when they make the new product, to kill off all support for the old. Still an Option which should not be. How would you like to be that kid home that goes to play a game to find out Hard Drive Required, please go spend 100 more! Meanwhile the PS3 at 50 less then what you would spend on that XBOX and HD combo comes with everything needed and the HD is 20GB more. Fine, NVIDIA gave up. There are not other GPU makers out there? MS could not approach ATI? PS2s chip maker has not given up Yet.

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